An evening with Michael Brune, Executive Director of the Sierra Club, featuring a screening of a brand new version of the short documentary film Our Canyon Lands.
While speculators may see their investments fall flat, those of us who actually live here face a much more dismal reality: the prospect of permanent radioactive contamination threatening Grand Canyon’s viability as the backbone of our region’s economy and as an internationally treasured landscape.
The Antiquities Act made the destruction of sites on federal lands and the removal of artifacts from them punishable by law. And, in a little-noticed clause, it also gave presidents the authority to declare national monuments of historic or scientific interest.
What the park service didn’t disclose in the list of potential dangers I’d encounter on my hike was perhaps the scariest of all – a radioactive creek whose uranium levels exceeds EPA safe drinking water standards.
Friday's court ruling on the Richfield Resource Management Plan sets a timeline to remedy some of the wrongs done by BLM in their hasty management plan of some of the nation’s most treasured lands.