Sipapu and Kachina Bridges

Hike to see the natural architecture of Sipapu and Kachina bridges

Descend into White Canyon in Natural Bridges National Monument to see Sipapu and Kachina bridges up close

The trail leaves from the informational board on the canyon rim, descends a few rock steps, and continues down a slickrock slope. Broad switchbacks lead to a metal staircase, soon followed by a wooden ladder. Continue making your way down stone steps that take you underneath an overhung wall. From here, the trail contours along cliff walls, affording great views of the sinuous White Canyon below you.

Around 0.3 mile you get to a trail junction; straight ahead is the Sipapu Bridge viewpoint, and a right turn takes you to Sipapu Bridge. The jaunt out to the viewpoint is short and worth the views. Backtrack to the junction, and continue towards the bridge.

Switchbacks cut down the slope, and the trail turns north past piñons, junipers, and Mormon tea. When you reach a slickrock bowl, look for railings to help you down the steep spots. A short climb down another wooden ladder lands you at the bottom of White Canyon in a grove of Gambel oak beneath Sipapu Bridge.

Sipapu Bridge, at 220 feet high and with a span of 268 feet, is one of the largest natural bridges in the world.

Along the canyon floor

Turn left and walk downcanyon for 2.25 miles. A boot–beaten path cuts across the banks, and tunnels through rubber rabbitbrush, willows, and grasses. Cottonwood trees line the intermittent creek, and depending on recent rainfall, you may have to skirt several pools. Deer Canyon joins from the right, and you continue following the main canyon’s meanders to Kachina Bridge.

Compared to Sipapu, Kachina Bridge is bulky. It’s estimated to be the youngest of the three natural bridges in the park because of its thick span. After the trail passes underneath the bridge, turn left and head down Armstrong Canyon.

In a few hundred feet, you cross the wash and look for trail signs pointing up the left canyon wall. Climb the stairs and begin your 400 foot ascent to the canyon rim. Metal railings and chiseled steps help you up the steep slickrock slopes.

When you reach a slickrock basin, the trail veers right. At the next trail sign, turn left and follow arrows towards the Kachina Parking Area (continue straight ahead if you’re hiking the full loop to Owachomo Bridge). Proceed up more stairs, and turn right when the trail intersects a paved path. Follow it to the park road.

Mesa Trail

Opposite the pit toilets at the parking area, you see a large “Mesa Trails” sign. Cross the road, and continue on the Mesa Trail towards Sipapu Bridge parking area. Initially you can see the park road to your right, but it soon fades into the distance as you hike northeast along the sandy trail.

Around 4.4 miles, you get to a T trail junction. Turn left for Sipapu Bridge parking area. After continuing along the mesa top for a while, you descend into a shallow wash. Cairns lead you down to the bottom and up the other side of a slickrock amphitheater. White Canyon comes into view, and the trail slopes down to the park road. Turn right and walk towards the parking area and your vehicle.

Directions to the trailhead

To reach Natural Bridges National Monument from Blanding, Utah, head south on Hwy 191 for 4 miles. Turn right onto UT 95 and head west for 30 miles. Following signs towards Natural Bridges National Monument, turn right onto UT 275. This turns into the park road, and you reach the visitor center in a few miles.

From the visitor center, follow the one-way loop road past the Sipapu Bridge View overlook to the Sipapu Bridge Trailhead parking area.

Sipapu and Kachina Bridges
Hikers climb stairs next to a sloping canyon wall
The view of a stone bridge from underneath

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