A young mother stands on the rim of the Grand Canyon holding her baby boy.
Amy S. Martin

Gift and Estate Planning

You can leave a grand legacy. Make a planned gift to the Grand Canyon Trust. 

Request information

Further your financial goals and help protect the Grand Canyon and the Colorado Plateau with thoughtful and deliberate gift planning. 

Gift options

There are many ways to help protect the Grand Canyon for future generations through gift and estate planning.

A young boy sits on the rim of the Grand Canyon looking through a heart-shape he makes with his fingers. He is sitting next to his mom.
Amy S. Martin

Gift options

Gifts through your will or estate plan

Help protect the Grand Canyon and the Colorado Plateau by including the Trust in your will or estate plan. You can make a meaningful difference.

Make bequest and estate gifts

Gifts of appreciated stock

Give appreciated securities and you may be able to take a tax deduction and avoid capital gains taxes — all while helping protect the plateau.

Donate appreciated securities

A granddaughter sits between her two grandparents on a bench overlooking the rim of the Grand Canyon
Amy S. Martin
Amy S. Martin

Gifts through your retirement plan

You may give to the Trust and your heirs by naming the Trust as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan. Doing so benefits the people and lands you love.

Make gifts through your retirement plan

Gifts through your IRA

Because distributions from retirement plans may be subject to income tax, it often makes financial sense to use these kinds of resources for charitable giving and bequests.

Make gifts through your IRA

A baby holds his mom's hand at the Grand Canyon
Amy S. Martin

Join the Legacy Circle

Like you, Legacy Circle members have shared their planned giving hopes and dreams with us. By sharing your intentions and preferences, we can better ensure your wishes are met while also offering you benefits of Legacy Circle membership.

Join today

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More Resources

Woman's hands in a purple fleece writing with a pen on a pad.

If you wish to name the Grand Canyon Trust in your estate plan, or as beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy, please use the following name and address: The Grand Canyon Trust, a nonprofit corporation, with the business address of: 2601 North Fort Valley Road, Flagstaff, AZ 86001Tax identification number: 86-0512633Date of Incorporation: […]

A grandma in a red coat sits next to her young granddaughter on the rim of the Grand Canyon

Utilizing retirement assets to make your donation while leaving other assets to your loved ones can help you avoid taxes for your heirs. One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to protect the Grand Canyon and the Colorado Plateau, while providing for loved ones, is to direct a portion of your IRA, 401(k), or […]

A boy holds a camera up to his eye on the rim of the Grand Canyon

Supporting the Grand Canyon Trust through your IRA is a mutually beneficial way to give. If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a direct contribution to the Trust from your IRA and have lasting impacts on the places you love. You’ll also save taxes even if you don’t itemize deductions. If you’re […]

Make a planned gift to the Grand Canyon Trust.