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- Uranium Mining
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- White Mesa Uranium Mill
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Blog Posts
- Sweet hikes for Valentine’s Day
- Court Dismisses Lawsuits Against Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument
- Arizona Voters Strongly Support Grand Canyon Monument, Poll Shows
- Utah Voters Strongly Support Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Poll Shows
- Winter Guide to the Grand Canyon
- 5 Maps That Give Us Hope for 2025
- Legal Update: Uranium Mine Plan Near Bears Ears Violates Law
- Holiday Gift Guide: Support Native-owned Businesses
- How Cold is the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon?
- Scientists Call for Review of Grand Canyon Uranium Mine
- Bears Ears Plan Makes History
- Grand Staircase-Escalante Plan Nears Finalization
- Over 100 Walk in Solidarity with White Mesa
- Arizona Governor Urges Review of Grand Canyon Uranium Mine
- How Is Colorado River Water Divided?
- Uranium Haul Route Risky, Fatal Accident Data Shows
- Why Pinyon Plain Mine Needs Federal Review
- Grand Canyon Tourism Fuels Arizona’s Economy
- A Really Old Potato and Indigenous Foods in Bears Ears
- Grand Canyon Camping Guide
- Hopi Cultural Ties to Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument
- Bears Ears Spared a 480-foot Tower, for Now
- Attorney General Urges Review of Grand Canyon Uranium Mine
- Grand Canyon Uranium Mine Haul Trucks Pause
- Celebrate Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument
- Uranium Trucks Hit the Road Near the Grand Canyon
- Where to Watch a Grand Canyon Sunset
- Geology Rocks: Grand Canyon Rock Layers
- 4 Fun Facts About the Colorado River
- Flooding at Uranium Mine Near Grand Canyon Tops 66 Million Gallons
- Uranium Mining near Grand Canyon Too Risky, Research Shows
- Grand Canyon Wildflowers
- Japanese Waste Shipped to Uranium Mill Near Bears Ears
- Riding Out a Dream
- Native Fish of the Grand Canyon
- Navajo Nation Asks Biden to Stop Uranium Transport from Grand Canyon Mine
- Grand Staircase-Escalante Wildflowers
- Permit Denied for Big Canyon Dam Near Grand Canyon
- Hike Bright Angel Trail into the Grand Canyon
- One-Year Anniversary of Tribal Proposal Marks Decades of Native Organizing
- Delores Wilson-Aguirre on Fending off Trams, Dams, and Saving the Confluence
- A Navajo Designer’s Reimagined Sports Uniforms Spread Across Reservations Nationwide
- From White Mesa to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- How Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Affects Hunters, Ranchers, Private Landowners
- I Spent Two Years Reporting on Glen Canyon’s Recovery: Here’s What I Learned
- Arizona Politicians Sue over Grand Canyon Monument
- Feds Deny Dam Permits on Tribal Lands
- USGS to Include Havasupai Perspectives in Studying Grand Canyon Uranium Mining Risks
- How to Get a Grand Canyon Backcountry Hiking Permit
- How Glen Canyon Dam Works
- Internships at the Grand Canyon Trust: Investing in Rising Leaders
- Dam Projects on Native Lands Signal Need for Reform
- Uranium Mine Starts up in New Grand Canyon Monument
- Forging a Way Forward
- 3 Great Winter Hikes
- Grand Canyon Native Artists Holiday Gift Guide, Part 3
- New Grand Canyon Monument Doesn’t Affect Uranium Supplies
- Grand Canyon Native Artists Holiday Gift Guide, Part 2
- Dinosaur Finds in Grand Staircase-Escalante
- Grand Canyon Native Artists Holiday Gift Guide, Part 1
- What Happens to Uranium Mining in the New Grand Canyon National Monument?
- Help Fix the Manti-La Sal National Forest’s Draft Plan
- Comment Now on a New Plan for Grand Staircase-Escalante
- Tribal Leaders Speak out at White Mesa Spiritual Walk
- Change Labs Opens First Business Hub on Navajo Nation
- How Grand Canyon High-flow Experiments Work
- Utah Oil Shale Project Loses Water, Abandons Lease
- Creature Feature: Native Fish of the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Pinyon Jays Eyed for Endangered Species Protection
- Weather in the Grand Canyon
- Court Dismisses Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante Lawsuits
- Animals of Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument
- Biden Designates Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument
- New Poll: Arizona Voters Strongly Support Grand Canyon Monument
- Protecting Red Butte
- Public Supports New National Monument Near Grand Canyon
- Cultural Uses of Lands Near the Grand Canyon
- What Would Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument Protect?
- Protecting Old-Growth Juniper and Pinyon Forests
- Arizona Gov. Joins Growing List of Grand Canyon Monument Supporters
- Paahu, Nöönganva Pas Himu – The Importance of Springs, a Hopi Perspective
- Creature Feature: Rare Birds of Grand Staircase
- Poll: 75 Percent of Arizona Voters Support New Grand Canyon National Monument
- Interior Secretary Haaland Meets with Grand Canyon Tribes
- The Colorado River 101
- Tribal Leaders Call for Monument to Protect Grand Canyon Homelands
- A Bird’s-eye View of Bears Ears National Monument
- Native Artisans Want Better Access to the Grand Canyon
- Robin Wall Kimmerer Explains Indigenous Traditional Knowledge
- Tribes Propose New Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument
- Making Space for Native Artists at Grand Canyon
- What To Do and See in Arches National Park
- Visions for A New Grand Canyon Economy
- 7 Perks of Volunteering
- New Dams Proposed on Navajo Nation near Black Mesa
- Update: Utah Deal Drains Colorado River Water
- Native Voices Front and Center in New Grand Canyon Film
- Update: Southern Utah’s More Radioactive Future?
- Geology Rocks: Steps of Grand Staircase-Escalante
- How Much Uranium Is in the Grand Canyon?
- Inspiring Understanding Through Art
- Riding for Change: A Navajo Woman Brings Cycling to Her Community
- The Little Colorado River, A Place of Healing
- Building Homes by Building Confidence
- Herding Sheep Above the Confluence
- Investing in Young Indigenous Leaders is Environmental Justice
- Feds Cancel Two Little Colorado River Dam Proposals
- Uranium Mine Ramps Up Near Grand Canyon National Park
- Arizona Jobs Market Needs Grand Canyon Mining Ban
- Permanent Protection from Uranium Mining Still Pending Near Grand Canyon
- Havasupai Gardens Name Change Reaffirms Havasupai Connections to Grand Canyon
- Update: Flooding at Uranium Mine Near the Grand Canyon
- Bright, Bold, and Original, a Navajo Artist’s Journey through Self-care
- White Mesa Ute Lead Spiritual Walk to Protest Uranium Mill
- Tusayan-Stilo Development: The Sleeping Giant
- The Headwaters of the Little Colorado River
- Mapping Pronghorn-Friendly Fences
- Finding Answers through Farming
- FAQs: Grand Canyon Backpacking Permits
- Poll: Arizonans Back Grand Canyon Mining Ban
- Two Steps Forward, One Step Back for Uranium Mill near Bears Ears
- Grand Falls on the Little Colorado River
- Collaborating to Build a Native Economy
- Centering Native Perspectives at Grand Canyon National Park
- Dams, Drought, and the Little Colorado River
- Hiring Reform at Grand Canyon National Park
- Utah Water Deal Siphons Colorado River Tributary
- 5 Facts about Southwest Springs
- Historic Sign and Signing for Bears Ears
- State Regulator Issues Canyon Mine Permit, Despite Risks
- U.S. Government Agencies, Tribes Back Grand Canyon Mining Ban
- Zuni Ties to the Grand Canyon
- What to do in Zion National Park
- A Voice for Underrepresented Writers
- Outdated Mining Law Needs an Update
- 4 Reasons to Protect Pinyon Jays
- Uranium Mill Near Bears Ears Still Violating Clean Air Act
- Why Is the Little Colorado River So Blue?
- Where Does the U.S. Get Uranium?
- Restoring Arizona Wetlands with Rocks
- Geology Rocks: Grand Canyon Fossils
- Navajo Ties to the Little Colorado River
- Bears Ears and the Radioactive Waste Dump Next Door
- 2022 State of the Plateau
- Court Okays Uranium Mine Near Grand Canyon
- EPA Halts Waste Shipment to Uranium Mill Near Bears Ears
- Education and Economic Justice at the Grand Canyon
- Love on the Colorado Plateau
- Combining Science and Culture for Water Security
- We Are the Grand Canyon
- Hopi Connections to the Little Colorado River
- 7 Places Unique to Bears Ears – with Protections Restored
- New Study: Uranium in Grand Canyon Water
- The Little Colorado River, an Umbilical Cord to the Grand Canyon
- Feds: Uranium Isn’t a Critical Mineral
- Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells
- 7 Grand Views in Grand Staircase-Escalante, Restored
- Intertribal Walk Protests Uranium Mill Near Bears Ears
- Lifeways of the Little Colorado River
- Havasupai Tribe Opposes Mine Too Close to Grand Canyon
- Why Is Grand Canyon Uranium Mining a Problem?
- Why Do We Weed Public Lands?
- Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante Restored!
- Leaf Peeping on the Colorado Plateau
- Tribal Sovereignty Under Threat on the Little Colorado River
- Celebrating Science at Grand Staircase
- Communities Demand Permanent Protection for the Grand Canyon
- Protecting Pinyon Jays in Southern Utah
- 5 Places that Deserve Renewed Protections at Bears Ears
- Feds Mull Uranium Reserve Despite Environmental Injustice
- Uranium Mill Near Bears Ears Turns to Rare Earths
- Native Perspectives: Ways to Honor Ancestral Lands
- Little Colorado River Dam Developer Surrenders Two of Three Dam Proposals
- Arizona Poised to Permit Canyon Uranium Mine
- Bears Ears Uranium Mines Sealed, New Mining Planned
- Native Perspectives: Land Ownership
- Honoring Havasupai Elder and Advocate Rex Tilousi
- FAQ: Tusayan Mega-Resort Near Grand Canyon
- Haaland Report Recommends Restoring Bears Ears, Grand Staircase-Escalante
- Best Kid-Friendly Activities at the Grand Canyon
- Supporting a Just Transition on the Navajo and Hopi Nations
- Fly Over the Grand Canyon and Little Colorado River
- Grand Canyon National Park: North Rim Guide
- How to Visit Bears Ears and Cultural Sites with Respect
- Plant Identification Resources for the Colorado Plateau
- Secretary Haaland in Bears Ears
- Native Youth on Becoming Future Ancestors
- Uranium Mine Flooding Near Grand Canyon
- Volunteers Needed to Help Organize Grand Canyon Rocks
- Biden, Haaland, Bears Ears, and Grand Staircase-Escalante
- Madam Secretary: A Tribal Voice at Interior
- Native Perspectives: Different Ways of Knowing
- Tribal Leaders Support Permanent Grand Canyon Mining Ban
- Native Voices Mark 102nd Anniversary of Grand Canyon National Park
- Grand Canyon Will Get Drier with Climate Change, Study Shows
- r/canyonminebets: Wagering on Uranium around the Grand Canyon
- Be My Valentine, Grand Canyon?
- Meet Our New Board Chair, Jim Enote
- Environmental Justice Must Include White Mesa Uranium Mill
- National Town Hall Calls Attention to Uranium Mill Near Bears Ears
- Feds Suspend Dirty Tar Sands Plan in Utah
- Anticipation Builds for Bears Ears and Grand Staircase
- More Ways to Buy Native for the Holidays
- Buy Native for the Holidays
- Canyon Mine or Pinyon Plain Mine, Still a Threat to Grand Canyon
- Little Colorado River Dams: Who Gets to Decide?
- Coleen Kaska: Havasupai Connections to The Grand Canyon
- Pando Aspen Grove Recovering, Partially
- Forest Service Accepts Mega-developer’s Proposal near Grand Canyon
- Feds Question Big Canyon Dams
- Leigh Kuwanwisiwma: The Grand Canyon Has A Spirit
- Will Bears Ears Become the World’s Radioactive Waste Dump?
- Loretta Jackson-Kelly: The Colorado River, The Backbone of My People
- Dam Developers Dismiss Native Opposition, Again
- What’s up With That Uranium Mine Near the Grand Canyon?
- Radioactive Water for Wildlife at Canyon Uranium Mine
- Myth vs. Fact: Dams and the Little Colorado River
- It’s Time to Oppose Big Canyon Dams
- Havasupai Tribe Supports Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Chi’shie Farms Growing Navajo Food System during Covid-19
- 5 Reasons to Protect the Grand Canyon from Mining, Forever
- Oil and Gas Auction Looms over Bears Ears and Utah National Parks
- What’s Happening to NEPA?
- 4 Things to Know About The Little Colorado River
- Dam Developers Would Pump Ancient Waters for Profit
- Nikki Cooley: The Colorado River, A Lifeline of Mother Earth
- European Waste Could Land Near Bears Ears
- Feds Green-light Little Colorado River Dam Studies
- Change Labs Spotlight: Thomas Deel, Deel Jewelry
- Protecting Native Bees
- Tusayan Mega-Resort Risks Grand Canyon’s Waters
- Problems at Canyon Mine: A New Report
- Nuclear Strategy Aids Uranium Industry, Puts Grand Canyon at Risk
- Earth Day on the Colorado Plateau
- Jim Enote: Zuni Grand Canyon Origins
- From Navajo Nation to Dubai: Lotus & Layne Handcrafted Leather Goods
- Monument Management Plans Green Light Forest Destruction
- Flooding Canyon Mine Is A Bigger Threat Than Ever
- LeaderShift: A Southwest Road Trip for Students
- The Unwisdom of Turning Canyon Country Back into Cattle Country
- The Second Century of Grand Canyon National Park
- Delayed Rumblings from Uranium Working Group
- Interior Flags Issues with Proposed Dams near Grand Canyon
- Navajo Convenience Store Provides Fresh Food
- Cultural Uses of Pinyon and Juniper Forests
- Buy Native: Rez Rising App Cuts out the Middleman
- The Buzz on Utah’s Bees with Dr. Vince Tepedino
- No Dams, No Trams near the Confluence
- Tribes Oppose New Dams Near Grand Canyon
- A Guide to Native-American-Made Holiday Gifts
- How to Talk to Your Family About Climate Change
- Little River, Big Consequences
- #BearsEarsHeals
- Mega-Resort Could Pump Grand Canyon Waters Dry
- Damming the Little Colorado River is a Bad Idea
- Change Labs Spotlight: Marisa Mike, Marisa Mike Designs
- Stakes Rise for Grand Canyon as Working Group Deliberates
- Second Dam Project Would Flood Sacred Site Near Grand Canyon
- New Dam Proposal Threatens Grand Canyon
- Mapping Pinyon Jay Habitat
- Cows in the Escalante: When A Win-Win Becomes A Lose-Lose
- The Seeds Are Growing: The Next Generation of Navajo Farmers
- Monument Plan Opens Grand Staircase to Mining, Logging
- It’s Time to Close a Contaminated Uranium Mine Near the Grand Canyon
- Citizen Scientists Learn to “Read” Ungrazed Lands
- Support for Permanent Uranium Ban Grows
- Cowtography: Mapping Where Cows Don’t Graze
- 11 Native-American-Owned Start-ups Who Made the Cut
- How to Write a Meaningful Comment
- New Plan for Bears Ears Does Its Worst
- Grand Canyon Centennial: An Interview with Colleen Cooley
- Native Business Owners on the Rise with Change Labs
- New Nuclear Working Group Raises Questions for Grand Canyon and Bears Ears
- Battle for the Grand Canyon in Congressional Subcommittees
- Watering The Seeds: The Next Generation of Navajo Farmers
- Grand Canyon Gear Guide: What to pack for your hike
- Jake Hoyungowa (1989-2019), Advocate and Artist
- Legal Update: Protecting National Monument Forests
- Superbloom in Bears Ears
- Utah’s National Forests Under Threat
- Uranium Mill Near Bears Ears Worries Tribal Members
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument’s Forests at Risk
- Endangered Species in Grand Canyon National Park
- Lawsuit: Take a Hard Look at Utah Oil Shale Project
- Tribal Leaders Call for Permanent Grand Canyon Mining Ban
- Planting The Seeds: The Next Generation of Navajo Farmers
- National Parks and National Monuments Wildlife
- Calling Small Business Owners Across Tribal Lands
- Grand Canyon Haikus
- Change Labs Spotlight: Samuel Shingoitewa, Sunbear Fitness and Repair Services
- Pinyon Pine and Pinyon Jay
- What Do Ungrazed Lands Look Like?
- Help With Baby Shark Surveys in the Little Colorado River
- Winter Snow Falls, But Monuments Heat Up
- Women of the Grand Canyon
- Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act: Myths vs. Facts
- Aspen Restoration Put to the Test
- New Report Examines Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon Region
- Commemorating Our Indigenous Presence
- Love on the North Rim
- Native American Business Incubator Goes Big with Change Labs
- Interior Takes Aim at Freedom of Information Act
- Celebrating Bears Ears and the Future of Utah’s National Monuments
- Last-Minute Gift Guide 2018
- Tons of Radioactive Waste Trucked to White Mesa Mill
- Native Entrepreneur Spotlight: Brent David Toadlena, Ashkii Bida’ Moccasins and Art
- White Mesa Uranium Mill Seeks to Expand
- Court Reverses Course in Canyon Mine Lawsuit
- Utah Targets Pristine Forests for Logging
- Proposed Rule Change Could Make Mining in National Forests Easier
- Utah Oil Shale Project Gets Pipeline Green Light
- A Huge Legal Victory, But We’re Not Done Yet
- Grand Canyon Guardians Gather at Red Butte
- How to Score a Zion Backcountry Permit
- Bears Ears Discovery: Chacoan Great Roads
- Native Entrepreneur Spotlight: Roseann and Lester Littleman, Mystical Antelope Canyon
- Long-Weekend Getaways in Utah’s High Country
- Protect Bears Ears and Grand Canyon from Uranium Quotas
- Controversial Daneros Uranium Mine near Bears Ears Appealed
- Native Entrepreneur Spotlight: Carlos Deal, AlterNativEats
- Youth Advocacy: Science, Art, and Civic Engagement
- Update: White Mesa Uranium Mill
- Administration Contemplates Uranium Quotas
- Branding Your Business with the Native American Business Incubator Network
- How to get a Canyonlands Backcountry Permit
- New Mining Claims Filed in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
- Public Lands: Where Cows Don’t Graze
- After Lawsuit, Coal-Leasing Documents Finally Released
- Uranium Forum Raises Unanswered Questions
- Administration To “Enhance Access” For Uranium Mining
- Grand Canyon in a Day
- Partner Spotlight: Jeanne Calhoun, Grand Canyon National Park
- Congressional Caucus: “Scrap” Grand Canyon Mining Ban
- Utah Counties: Monument Reductions Are About Mining
- Bears Ears in Bloom
- The High Price of Uranium
- Let the Pronghorn Run
- Help Needed: Sasquatch Surveys
- Mining Industry Efforts Ramp Up Against Protections for Grand Canyon
- Grand Adventures
- Trump Administration Gives a Boost to Uranium Companies
- Navajo Chapter Kills Escalade, Again
- Are Slashed Monuments Still Protected?
- Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Open for Business
- Grand Canyon Uranium: Politics vs. Economics
- National Monument Cuts: Truth vs. Whoppers
- Ancient Buildings Cut From Bears Ears National Monument
- Climate Action Plans: what are they, and do they work?
- Young People, Big Changemakers
- Meet Our New Executive Director, Ethan Aumack
- Monumental Error: Zinke’s National Monuments Review Report
- Celebrating One Year of Bears Ears National Monument
- President Trump Attempts to Remodel Grand Staircase
- Goats Are Kicking Plants out of the La Sal Mountains
- ‘Tis the Season: Creative Ideas for Your Junk Mail
- No Relief for Grand Staircase and Bears Ears
- Petroglyphs and Pictographs Cut From Bears Ears National Monument
- Grand Canyon Uranium Ban Stands, but Mine Moves Ahead
- Truth vs. “Alternative Facts” About Monuments
- A Film to Fuel Action
- Bears Ears and Grand Staircase: What Got Cut
- Trump Slashes Bears Ears and Grand Staircase
- Water is Life: Hopi Youth Protect Lakes
- Happy National Take A Hike Day
- Grand Canyon Tram Slammed
- Forest Service Takes First Step to Reopen Grand Canyon to New Uranium Mining
- Halloween Hikes
- Trump to Gut Bears Ears, Grand Staircase
- A Halloween Costume for Zombie Escalade Bill?
- Sweating for Grand Canyon Springs
- Partner Spotlight: Brandon Boshell, Vermilion Cliffs
- Land Sharks: Why Ban Grand Canyon Uranium Mining II
- Mountain goats, little plants, and a view
- White Mesa, Utah Loses to Uranium-Mill Waste in Court
- Grand Canyon’s Secret Waters
- Recovery of the Land and Soul
- Coal: A Hopi Tradition
- Secretary Zinke, Show Your Work!
- Grand Staircase-Escalante Provides Millions for Utah Schools
- This is a Sign, so is Outdoor Retailer Leaving Utah
- A Day in the Life of a Prescribed Fire
- Rezlist: A New Way to Buy, Sell, Trade on the Navajo Nation
- Escalade Bill Fails for Lack of Votes
- Debate Amps up on White Mesa Uranium Mill
- Gathering to Halt Grand Canyon Uranium Mining
- 129 Plants in Bears Ears
- The Numbers Don’t Lie – National Monuments Make America Great
- Partner Spotlight: Steve Rosenstock, Arizona Game and Fish
- Avoid Repeating the Mistakes of the Past at White Mesa
- 9 Utah Beauties (and 1 Beast)
- Utes Protest, Utah Holds Public Hearing on Uranium Mill
- 7 Reasons for Forest Restoration in Northern Arizona
- National Monuments – Don’t Let Myths Trump Facts
- Homelands: A Bears Ears Story Map
- Best Bears Ears Signs
- Why Ban Grand Canyon Uranium Mining?
- National Monuments: Stay or Go?
- Young Advocate Takes The Stage
- Our Monuments: What’s at Stake
- National Monuments in Trump’s Crosshairs
- Escalade Losing Legislative Battle
- A New Grand Canyon National Park Map
- Bears Ears Support from Coast to Coast
- Student Advocates Take the Lead
- New ATV Routes Halted in Bears Ears
- Navajo Generating Station’s Closing Curtain?
- Partner Spotlight: Connie Reid, Forest Service Archaeologist
- Uranium Mine Seeks to Expand Near Bears Ears
- Show Your Love for Bears Ears This Valentine’s Day
- Navajo Generating Station Can’t Compete With Natural Gas
- Time to Put on Our Advocacy Boots
- Revised Radon-Emission Rule a Mixed Bag
- Native Entrepreneurs to Bring the Next Big Idea
- EPA Administrators: Then and Now
- In the Words of Sixth Graders
- Experience Bears Ears on Foot
- Bears Ears National Monument – What Made the Cut?
- Obama Creates Bears Ears National Monument
- Thanks to You
- Meet Sunny Dooley, Diné Storyteller
- A Lump of Coal for the Holidays
- Food as Medicine: the healing power of Native foods
- School Courtyard Experimental Gardens
- Positive Signs for Bears Ears
- Bioblitz at the Confluence
- Tribes Gather in Pojoaque Pueblo
- Grand Canyon Uranium Mine Set to Re-Open
- Change-Makers Connect in Crownpoint
- In White Mesa, Water Is Life
- Navajo Law and Order Committee Votes Down Grand Canyon Tram
- A Changing Climate: Part 4
- Update from Save the Confluence
- Change Labs 3.0
- Bears Ears: Permanent Protection in the Wind
- Voters Across America Support Greater Grand Canyon Protection
- A Changing Climate: Part 3
- A Beautiful Map for an Ugly Proposal
- Grand Canyon tram, one last day for public comment
- A Changing Climate: Part 2
- Biting the Grand Canyon to the Bone
- Grand Canyon Area Uranium Mines Seek Permit Renewals
- National Geographic to Feature Escalade and Canyon Threats
- A Changing Climate: Part 1
- Daneros Uranium Mine: A Call for Caution
- Johnson Lakes Jamboree
- Bears Ears Needs You!
- Grand Canyon Escalade Déjà Vu
- Hazed and Confused?
- Check These Summits off Your List
- Gardening in the Name of Science
- White Mesa Mill: Setting the Record Straight
- 110 years of the Antiquities Act
- No Blank Checks for Dirty Oil Shale
- Who Supports Grand Canyon Uranium Mining?
- Boundaries of the Colorado Plateau
- Reality Check: White Mesa Mill
- America’s Last Uranium Mill
- Fact and Fiction in the Bears Ears
- Spring Is in the Air
- Step Right Up!
- Pronghorn Crossings
- Thank You U.S. Forest Service!
- Fossil Foolery
- Stepping up the PACE
- I Spy With My Little Eye…An Easter Egg!
- Shades of Green
- Forest Service Rejects Tusayan Mega-Resort
- Bears Ears Prepare for Protection
- Mining Trails Turned Hiking Trails in the Grand Canyon
- Fact Check: Grand Canyon Poll
- Trust Book Club: Unreal City
- AZ Voters Strongly Support New National Monument
- Plateau Pick-up Lines
- Our Grand Canyon, At Risk Again
- Obama, Ready Your Pen!
- A Map for Presidential Eyes
- What’s Your Food IQ?
- Feds Halt Coal Sales to Protect Climate
- New Year’s Hiking Resolutions
- Arizonans Support Ban on Grand Canyon Uranium Mining
- Arizona Suspends Pollution Permits for Grand Canyon Uranium Mines
- Biocrusts: Protecting the light and the dark
- Gift-Wrapped, Cut-and-Pasted Pollution Permits
- Holiday Reading: Emerald Mile Book Club
- Bears Ears Support Heard Across the West
- Acorns, Elderberries, and Pinenuts
- What We’re Thankful For
- A Monument for Archaeology or Feeding Cattle?
- Saving Grand Canyon’s Sacred Waters
- Experience the Proposed Bears Ears National Monument
- Using Blind Canyon to See
- Terminal Insanity
- Halloween Haunts
- Power Lines to Navajo Tea: an intro to the Navajo Nation
- Bears Ears National Monument Proposal Takes Flight
- Cattle Don’t Lock Themselves In
- Tackling Cheatgrass on North Rim Lands
- Success, This Way
- 3 Things about the New Grand Canyon National Monument
- Map of the Month: Grand Canyon Uranium Mining
- Best Places to See Fall Colors!
- Uncontrollable Risks
- Beaver: Back to the Future
- Climate Change at the Grand Canyon
- Change Labs: Learn. Do. Collaborate.
- In-Situ Leaching: An Unwelcome Newcomer
- 30th Anniversary Photo Raft Fun
- Growing Crusty with Age
- Hike to Butch Cassidy’s Hideouts
- Op-Ed Fact Check
- Map of the Month Premiere
- United Call For Mining Reform
- I Say Wash, You Say Slough
- Saving Seeds for the Future
- Orange Alert! Toxic Plume’s Call to Action
- Johnson Lakes Stewards: Rick and Susie Knezevich
- Take A Photo Tour of Eastern Utah’s Wild Places
- Lessons from the Animas River Spill
- Observing the Moment
- The Needles and the Blues: Guerilla Grasses
- Native Entrepreneur Spotlight: Shash Dine Eco Retreat
- Uncanny Parallels
- Protecting Grand Canyon…in its entirety
- Our Canyon Lands: Flagstaff Premiere
- Monsoon Fury
- Big Goats, Small Alpine Area
- Turning Rez Trash Problem into Golden Opportunity
- Moab Movie Date
- Scientists Call for Moratorium on Tar Sands Development in North America
- Uranium Mining is Uneconomic
- Lights, Camera, Action
- Antiquities Act Anniversary
- A Hiker’s Dilemma
- A Small Likelihood of Permanent Contamination
- Good News from Utah
- Native Entrepreneur Spotlight: Tyler Tawahongva, Cloud Nine Recycling
- Dept of Interior: Tusayan Development Threatens Grand Canyon Springs
- Working with Ranchers to Protect Public Lands
- Recycling on the Rez
- Spring Blooms
- New Navajo President Opposes Grand Canyon Tram
- New President, Fresh Start?
- Submit Your Comments on Road to Tusayan Development
- Learning a Landscape
- A Second Line of Defense
- Calling Escalade’s Bluff Part II
- Trickle-down Knowledge
- A Rare Breed
- Case in Point
- America’s Most Endangered River
- Get Your Slickrock Fix!
- Tongue-tied?
- Watercolor Applied to Life and Land
- Leaping Leprechauns
- Preserving Our Seeds and Farmer Knowledge
- Gear Up for Hiking Season
- Happy Birthday Grand Canyon!
- Across the Wilds of the Paria Plateau
- Controversy at the Confluence: Calling Escalade’s Bluff
- We Heart Redrock
- Weekend trips on the Colorado Plateau
- Beaver and Climate Change
- Thoughts on Respectful Recreation in Timeless Places
- Exotic Goats Need to Leave La Sal Mountains
- Details of Proposed Grand Canyon Tramway Revealed
- Greenstripping: Restoration Research Goes Wild
- Pack Your Bag and Lace Your Boots
- Threats to Grand Canyon on front page of New York Times
- Martin Litton (1917-2014), Conscience of the Canyon
- New Save the Confluence Video Makes Case Against Escalade
- Success! North Leupp Family Farm moves forward with USDA grant!
- Tribes Unite to Protect Grand Canyon from Escalade Development
- Native Entrepreneur Spotlight: Stacey Jensen, North Leupp Family Farms
- “Will this make us sick?” Radon Emissions & the Uranium Industry
- “Oil Land in the Sky” Going Bust?
- A Hand Up, Not a Handout
- Cautionary Ban on Grand Canyon Uranium Claims Upheld in Federal Court
- New Problems, Ancient Solutions
- 10,000 Tram Riders a Day the Future of Grand Canyon?
- Grand Canyon Under Siege – But You Can Help
- Developments Doom Grand Canyon?
- Connecting “Island” Fragments: Finding the Mountain Lion, Part 3 of 3
- Connecting “Island” Fragments: Exploring Wildlife Connectivity, Part 2 of 3
- Judge Tosses Uranium Industry’s $123 Million Raid on U.S. Treasury
- Save the Confluence Coalition Leads Alternative Economic Development Planning
- More Uranium Stockpiles Threaten Grand Canyon Watersheds
- Habitat “Island” Connectivity, Part 1 of 3: Why Connectivity Matters
- Grand Canyon Trust to support Protect the Confluence Coalition efforts
- 2024 Grand Canyon National Monument Arizona Voter Poll
- 2024 Utah National Monument Poll
- 2024 Grand Canyon Monument Poll Memo
- 2024 Utah National Monument Poll Memo
- Legal Designation Language
- Meet the Farmers of the Little Colorado River Agricultural Cooperative
- 2024 Volunteer Season Highlights
- 990 Form 2023
- Audited Financial Statement 2023
- Fatal Accident Risk Along Pinyon Plain Haul Route Map
- Pinyon Plain Uranium Mine Interactive Timeline
- Grand Canyon National Park Economic Impact Reports by Year
- 2024 Fall Advocate
- Map of North Rim Ranches
- Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument Story Map
- Mining Threats Map Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument
- Havasupai Tribe’s Statement Opposing Hauling of Uranium Ore
- Pinyon Plain Mine Uranium Haul Route to White Mesa Mill
- Canyon Mine (Pinyon Plain) Uranium Mine Water Dashboard
- History of Flooding at Pinyon Plain Mine (Formerly Canyon Mine)
- Aquifer Protection Reports for Canyon Mine (Pinyon Plain Mine)
- Heavy Metals in Water Pumped out of Pinyon Plain Mine (Formerly Canyon Mine)
- Grand Canyon National Park Hiring Reform Fact Sheet
- The Future of Glen Canyon Dam
- Native Fish Recovery in the Grand Canyon
- New Rules for the Colorado River
- Radioactive Waste Approved for Shipment to White Mesa Mill
- Canyon Mine (Pinyon Plain Mine) Haul Route Interactive Map
- Voices of the Grand Canyon Booklet
- LeaderShift
- Comments on Arizona Aquifer Water Quality Standards
- National Park Visitation Interactive Graph
- Global Price of Uranium, 1980-2023
- Uranium Spot Prices, 1989-2024
- Visit the Grand Canyon with Respect
- FERC Permit Denials for Hydropower Projects on Tribal Lands
- Map of Threats to Black Mesa
- Map of Dams Proposed on the Navajo Nation
- Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands Across American Southwest Map
- Pinyon Jay Decline 1967-2022 Graph
- Colorado Plateau Map (2024 edition)
- 2024 Spring Advocate
- Lesson Plan: Uranium Mining Near the Grand Canyon
- Comments on Draft SEIS for Glen Canyon Dam Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan
- Proposed Hydropower Dams by Water Requirement Map
- Interactive Map of Proposed Hydropower Dams
- Map of Tribal Opposition to Hydropower Dams
- Havasupai Tribe’s Statement Opposing Uranium Extraction at Canyon Mine
- Bequest and Estate Gifts
- Giving Appreciated Securities
- Gifts Through Your IRA
- Retirement Plan Gifts
- Comments on Revised Draft SEIS for Near-term Colorado River Operations
- Navajo Nation Motion to Intervene in Western Navajo 2
- Impact Report 2023
- Energy Fuels Notice of Startup at Canyon Uranium Mine
- Chuska Mountain Preliminary Permit Accepted
- 2023 Volunteer Season Highlights
- Volunteer and Rising Leader Awards
- 2023 Fall Advocate
- Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument Map
- Tribes of the Grand Canyon Tribal Coalition Map
- Glen Canyon Dam 101
- Protected Lands Along the Colorado River Map
- Colorado River Maximum Flows Graph
- Lake Powell Inflow and Storage Capacity Graph
- Colorado River Basin Snowfall 2022-2023 Map
- Grand Canyon Trust Top Successes
- 990 Form 2022
- Water Right Settlement with Deseret Power
- Emergence 2022: Grand Canyon Intertribal Economic Summit Lookbook
- Comments on Post-2026 Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead
- Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument Interactive Map
- Court Order Dismissing Utah Monuments Lawsuits
- Enefit Notice of Oil Shale RD&D Lease Relinquishment
- Proclamation Establishing Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument
- Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni White House Fact Sheet
- 2023 Grand Canyon National Monument Arizona Voter Poll
- Havasupai Ancestral Lands
- We’re Placed Here to Protect the Region
- Cultural Uses of Plants and Animals Around the Grand Canyon
- We Still Keep Watching Over This Land
- What Does Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Mean?
- Town of Payson Resolution Supporting Grand Canyon Monument
- Shivwits Band of Paiutes Resolution Supporting Grand Canyon Monument
- Audited Financial Statement 2022
- Tó Nizhóní Ání Letter with Navajo Nation Chapter and Agency Resolutions Opposing Black Mesa Dams
- Chuska Mountain Revised Preliminary Permit Application
- City of Phoenix Letter Supporting Grand Canyon Monument
- Western Navajo 1 Preliminary Permit Application
- Western Navajo 2 Preliminary Permit Application
- Pumped Storage Hydropower 101
- Interactive Map of Proposed Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument
- Flagstaff City Council Resolution Supporting Grand Canyon Monument
- Map of Proposed Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument
- Dam Permitting Fact Sheet
- The Business of Radioactive Waste
- Gov. Hobbs Letter to President Biden Supporting Grand Canyon Monument
- Arizona Lawmakers Letter Supporting Grand Canyon Monument
- Coconino County Resolution Supporting Grand Canyon Monument
- 2022 Grand Canyon National Monument Arizona Voter Poll
- Grand Canyon Trust Who We Are Brochure
- San Juan River Critical Fish Habitat Map
- San Juan River Watershed Boundaries Map
- Chuska Mountain North Preliminary Permit Application
- Yavapai-Apache Nation Letter Supporting Grand Canyon Monument
- 2023 Spring Advocate
- Lesson Plan: Threats to the Grand Canyon
- Lesson Plan: Grand Canyon Place Names
- Pinyon Jay Project Training Hub
- Comments on Glen Canyon Dam Operations for Bass Management
- Skyline Coal Mine Lawsuit Settlement Agreement
- Voices of the Grand Canyon Film
- Trip Packing List
- Uranium and the Grand Canyon Frequently Asked Questions
- Pinyon Jay Field Guide
- Understanding Uranium Fact Sheet
- Uranium Mining in the Grand Canyon Region
- Canyon Mine: Why No Uranium Mine is “Safe” for the Grand Canyon Region
- JEDI Accountability and Progress Report
- Motion to Intervene in Black Mesa Hydropower Project
- Navajo Nation Motion to Intervene in Black Mesa Hydropower Project
- Scoping Comments on Operations for Lake Powell and Lake Mead
- Notice of Surrender Little Colorado River Dam Permit
- Notice of Surrender Salt Trail Canyon Dam Permit
- Motion to Intervene in State of Utah National Monuments Lawsuit
- Grand Canyon Vehicle Traffic Map
- Map of Ha’a Gyoh (Havasupai Gardens)
- Traditional Connections to the Grand Canyon and Present-day Locations Map
- Traditional Connections to the Grand Canyon Map
- Impact Report 2022
- 2022 Volunteer Season Highlights
- 3D Map of Lake Powell Water Level Decline
- Lake Powell Water Level Graph
- Recapture Canyon ATV Trails Decision
- Map of Pronghorn-Friendly Fences in House Rock Valley
- 2022 Fall Advocate
- Rep·re·sen·ta·tion (n): Beyond Checking a Box
- Black Mesa East Preliminary Permit Application
- Black Mesa North Preliminary Permit Application
- Black Mesa South Preliminary Permit Application
- Trust Comments on Mining Regulations, Laws, and Permitting
- 990 Form 2021
- Audited Financial Statement 2021
- Grand Canyon Poll Summary August 2022
- Grand Canyon Poll Key Findings August 2022
- Map of Active Mining Claims Within Grand Canyon Withdrawal Area May 2022
- Conservation Group Letter Opposing Nuclear Future Act
- Cultural Ties to the Little Colorado River
- Bears Ears National Monument Cooperative Agreement
- 2022 Threats to the Grand Canyon Map
- Havasupai Tribe Senate Testimony on Grand Canyon Protection Act
- Grand Canyon Trust Senate Testimony on Grand Canyon Protection Act
- Inter Tribal Association of Arizona Letter Re: Grand Canyon Protection Act
- Conservation Coalition Letter Supporting Grand Canyon Protection Act
- Havasupai Tribal Council Letter Opposing Pinyon Plain Mine Permit
- Energy Fuels Letter to Utah DEQ on Radioactive Wastes
- Canyon Mine Uranium and Arsenic Contamination Graph
- Canyon Mine Aquifer Protection Permit
- Hurricane Cliffs Preliminary Permit Application
- 2022 Spring Advocate
- Lifeways of the Little Colorado River Map
- Lifeways of the Little Colorado River Booklet
- Havasupai Tribe Letter to Department of Energy Re: Uranium Mining Concerns
- Worldwide Radioactive Wastes and Bears Ears Map
- Bears Ears and Radioactive Waste: The White Mesa Mill Story
- The Business of Radioactive Waste Key Takeaways Memo
- Bears Ears and White Mesa Mill Map
- 2022 State of the Plateau Address
- EPA Letter to Energy Fuels on Radioactive Wastes
- EPA Response to Issues Raised by Energy Fuels
- Uranium Lawsuits
- Canyon Mine Court of Appeals Decision
- Energy Fuels Resources Pinyon Plain Mine Annual Report 2021
- Map of the Colorado Plateau (2021 edition)
- My People, The Havasu ‘Baaja | Coleen Kaska
- The Grand Canyon Has A Spirit | Leigh Kuwanwisiwma
- We Have To Say Our Prayers To Visit Here | Loretta Jackson-Kelly
- Not A Theme Park | Nikki Cooley
- Never Forget Where We Come From | Jim Enote
- Colorado Plateau Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory and Forecast Report 2021
- Colorado Plateau Greenhouse Gas Emissions Overview Report 2021
- Colorado Plateau Road Map to Carbon Neutrality
- Uranium in Grand Canyon Groundwater Fact Sheet
- EPA Unacceptability Notice to White Mesa Uranium Mill
- Enefit Oil Shale Development Water Right Protest
- Impact Report 2021
- Lifeways of the Little Colorado River
- 2021 Volunteer Season Highlights
- Map of 2021 Restorations to Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante
- Restored Bears Ears National Monument Map
- Restored Grand Staircase-Escalante Map
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Proclamation
- Bears Ears National Monument Proclamation
- Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions on the Colorado Plateau
- 2021 Fall Advocate
- Little Colorado River Dams Fact Sheet
- Pinyon Jay Project
- Ute Mountain Tribal Council Opposes Strategic Uranium Reserve
- 990 Form 2020
- Havasupai Tribe Comments on Canyon Mine Permit
- Native Perspectives on Tribal Consultation and Collaborative Management
- Request to Surrender Little Colorado River Dam Permit
- Request to Surrender Salt Trail Canyon Dam Permit
- Audited Financial Statement 2020
- Skyline Coal Mine Lawsuit Brief
- Threatened Waters: Grand Canyon’s Seeps and Springs
- Grand Canyon Region Uranium Mining Myths vs. Facts
- Keep the Canyon Grand Interactive Map
- Methane Waste on the Navajo Nation
- Meet Grand Canyon National Park Superintendent Ed Keable
- Global Price of Uranium, 1980-2020
- 2021 Spring Advocate
- District Court Decision on Alton Coal Mine Expansion
- Homelands: A Bears Ears Story Map
- 2021 State of the Plateau Address
- Inter Tribal Association of Arizona Re: Grand Canyon Protection
- Volunteer Trip FAQs
- Letter to Chairman Grijalva re: Grand Canyon Protection
- Grand Canyon Protection Act Map
- Fly Over the Grand Canyon and the Little Colorado River
- Identified Uranium Resources in the United States Map
- Impact Report 2020
- Native Perspectives on Uranium and the Economy
- Canyon Mine Court of Appeals Opening Brief
- Tracking Where Cows Don’t Graze
- Native Perspectives on Uranium and the Cultural Impacts to Native America
- Native Perspectives on Uranium and Community Health
- Letter to Senate Re: Domestic Uranium Reserve
- Native Perspectives on Uranium and the Environment
- Fly Over Grand Canyon, Canyon Mine
- Map of Active Mining Claims Within Grand Canyon Withdrawal Area October 2020
- Native Perspectives on Uranium 1
- What to Expect with an Environmental Impact Statement
- How to Make Your NEPA Comment Count
- Native Perspectives on Public Lands Teach-in 5
- It’s Time to Ban Mining Around the Grand Canyon
- Native Perspectives on Public Lands Teach-in 4
- Native Perspectives on Public Lands Teach-in 3
- Proposed Tusayan Mega-resort Map
- Native Perspectives on Public Lands Teach-in 2
- Projected Precipitation Changes in the Grand Canyon Area
- Forest Service Letter Approving Tusayan Mega-resort Application
- Native Perspectives on Public Lands Teach-in 1
- Letter to House Armed Services Committee Re: Grand Canyon Protection
- Petition to Bureau of Land Management on Apiary Categorical Exclusions
- 2020 Fall Advocate
- 990 Form 2019
- Motion to Intervene against Big Canyon Dams
- Hualapai Tribe Motion to Intervene Against Big Canyon Dams
- Interior’s Comments on Big Canyon Pumped Storage Project
- Navajo Nation Motion to Intervene Against Big Canyon Dams
- Petition to Forest Service on Apiary Categorical Exclusions
- Approval Letter for White Mesa Mill to Accept Japanese Radioactive Waste
- Hopi Tribe Motion to Intervene Against Big Canyon Dams
- 3D Map View of Dam Proposals Near Grand Canyon
- Colorado Plateau Surface Management Map and Dashboard
- Comments on Proposal to Process Estonian Waste at White Mesa Mill
- Letter to Oaktree Capital Re: Estonian Waste
- Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan 2020-2021
- Carrizo Four Corners Preliminary Permit Application
- Audited Financial Statement 2019
- Map of Dam Proposals Threatening the Little Colorado River
- Navajo Nation Grazing District III Resolution Against Big Canyon Dams Proposal
- Map of Proposal to Dam Big Canyon
- Groundwater flow on the south rim of Grand Canyon
- Canyon Mine U.S. District Court Order
- Order Issuing Preliminary Permit for Navajo Salt Canyon Trail Dam
- Order Issuing Preliminary Permit for Little Colorado River Dam
- Damage to Mount Peale Research Natural Area by Non-Native Mountain Goats
- Plant Identification Resources
- Monroe Mountain Aspen Stand Condition Map
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Grazing Buyout Status Map, 2020
- Impact Report 2019
- 2020 Spring Advocate
- Native Bee Fact Sheet
- Letter to Forest Service Re: Stilo and Tusayan’s Special Use Proposal
- Preliminary Permit Application for Navajo Nation Big Canyon Pumped Storage Project
- Reasons to Ban Uranium Mining near the Grand Canyon
- The Voices of Grand Canyon
- Sweetwater Revised Preliminary Permit Application
- Pando Clone Recovery
- Navajo Nation District III Grazing Committee Resolution Denying Little Colorado River Hydro Projects
- 2019 Threats to Grand Canyon Map
- Interior Comments on the Salt Canyon Trail Dam
- Navajo Salt Canyon Trail Dam Motion
- Navajo Little Colorado River Dams Motion
- Motion to Intervene against Little Colorado River Dams
- Hualapai Letter on Proposed Little Colorado River Dams
- NRDC Amended Complaint for Bears Ears Lawsuit
- Scoping Comments on the Ashley National Forest Plan Revision
- Amended Complaint for Grand Staircase Lawsuit
- 2019 Volunteer Season Highlights
- Powering the Central Arizona Project Canal
- 2018 Backcountry Permits for Grand Canyon National Park Map
- Letter Urging USFS to Reject Stilo-Tusayan Special Use Application
- Letter from Hopi Tribe to FERC Regarding Proposed Dams on Little Colorado River
- Hydrogeologic Cross Section of Tusayan
- Interactive Map of Proposed Tusayan Mega-resort
- 3D Map View of Little Colorado River Dam Proposals
- Map of Proposal to Dam the Little Colorado River (Project 2)
- Map of Two Proposals to Dam the Little Colorado River
- Map of Proposal to Dam the Little Colorado River (Project 1)
- Havasupai Tribe’s Opposition to Stilo Development
- Pinyon Jay Abundance in the West Map
- Pinyon Jays in Grand Staircase-Escalante Map
- Interior Board of Land Appeals Decision on Skutumpah Appeal
- We Totally Exist
- Grand Canyon Gear List
- 2019 Fall Advocate
- 990 Form 2018
- Comments Re: U.S. Forest Service NEPA Compliance
- Comments on Proposed Renewal of Canyon Mine’s Aquifer Protection Permit
- Group Letter to ADEQ: Canyon Mine Permitting
- Revised Application for Preliminary Permit for Salt Trail Canyon Dams
- Revised Application for Preliminary Permit for Little Colorado River Dams
- Springs Assessments of Bears Ears National Monument 2018
- Map of Mining Claims Around Grand Canyon Prior to 2012
- Changes Labs Graduates Interactive Story
- Map of Change Labs Graduates
- Navajo Energy Storage Station Preliminary Permit Application
- Testimony on the Uranium Classification Act of 2019
- Skutumpah Project Statement of Reasons
- Legislative Hearing on Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Testimony on the Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Audited Financial Statement 2018
- Enefit South Project Oil Shale Development Complaint
- Enefit Oil Shale Development Map
- Critical Habitat Map for Endangered Fish Near Enefit Oil Shale Development
- Alton Coal Proposed Mine Expansion Map
- Alton Coal Proposed Mine Expansion Complaint
- Hopi Tribal Resolution in Support of Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Grand Canyon Historic Boundaries Map
- The Condor at the Grand Canyon
- Coconino County Resolution in Support of Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Guidelines for Aspen Restoration in Utah
- 2019 Spring Advocate
- Natural Gas Waste on the Navajo Nation
- Flagstaff City Council Resolution in Support of Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Havasupai Tribal Resolution in Support of Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act H.R. 1373
- Letter of Support for the Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act Mining Claims Map
- Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act Uranium Mines Map
- Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act Land Ownership Map
- Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act Mineral Withdrawal Map
- The Grand Canyon Mineral Withdrawal Interactive Map
- The Grand Canyon in 100 Images
- Desert Cathedral
- Comments on Interior’s Freedom of Information Act Proposed Rule
- 2019 Shutdown: Colorado Plateau National Parks and Monuments Status
- Total Annual Uranium Purchased and Projected Purchasing, 1994-2027
- 2018 Volunteer Season Highlights
- Annual Uranium Demand by Origin Country, 1994-2027
- The Trust’s 2018 Highlights
- What Will Happen to the Escalante River?
- Canyon Mine Order and Opinion October 2018
- 990 Form 2017
- What is Proposition 127?
- Map of Active Mining Claims Within Grand Canyon Withdrawal Area March 2018
- Map of New Mining Claims in Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears July 2018
- Bears Ears Wildlife Guide
- Commerce Quota Investigation Comments
- 2018 Fall Advocate
- Grand Canyon Poll Key Findings August 2018
- Audited Financial Statement 2017
- Grand Canyon Poll Summary August 2018
- Daneros Uranium Mine Expansion Appeal Statement of Reasons
- Northern Arizona Withdrawal Brief in Opposition to Certiorari in Supreme Court
- Map of Active Mining Claims Around Bears Ears National Monument as of July 2018
- Map of Active Mining Claims Around Bears Ears National Monument as of February 2018
- White House CEQ Opens Up NEPA Regs: What You Need to Know
- Comments on Enefit Utility Corridor Project
- Ongoing Damage by Mountain Goats to the Mount Peale Research Natural Area
- Map of New Mining Claims in Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears February 2018
- Legacy Circle Legal Designation Language
- Grand Canyon South Rim Trail Distance Chart
- Map of 2017 Changes to Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears National Monuments
- Map of Proposed Boundaries of Grand Canyon National Park
- Characterization of Uranium Deposits and Mining near the Grand Canyon
- Manti-La Sal National Forest Needs for Change and Desired Conditions
- Honey Bee Apiaries on Utah National Forests
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Scoping Comments
- Bears Ears National Monument Scoping Comments
- Map of the Colorado Plateau (2018 edition)
- Daneros Uranium Mine Haul Route Through Bears Ears Map
- 2018 Spring Advocate
- Map of the Colorado Plateau (2017 Edition)
- Uranium Campaign Chronicle: 2007-Current
- White Mesa Mill Petition for Review of Radioactive Materials License Renewal
- Map of Active Mining Claims Within Grand Canyon Withdrawal Area February 2018
- Map of Excluded Areas from Bears Ears National Monument
- Map of Excluded Areas from Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
- Too Precious to Mine Film Screening Kit
- Modified by Mountain Goats
- Comments on National Environmental Policy Act Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
- Flagstaff Resolution Supporting Uranium Withdrawal
- Canyon Mine Case Petition for Rehearing En Banc
- Grand Canyon Backpacking Routes
- Report to Donors 2017
- La Sal Goats Reply Brief
- Too Precious to Mine
- 9th Circuit Decision Upholding Grand Canyon Uranium Withdrawal
- 9th Circuit Decision Canyon Uranium Mine
- Memo from Majority Committee on Critical Minerals
- Interactive Map of Bears Ears National Monument
- Interactive Map of Trump Changes to Bears Ears and Grand Staircase
- Bears Ears National Monument Lawsuit Complaint
- Memo on Critical Minerals and Withdrawals
- Changes to Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Map
- Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments Modifications Map
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Complaint
- Changes to Bears Ears National Monument Map
- Hydrogeologic Cross Section of the Grand Canyon Region
- Mountain Goat Wallows in Mount Peale Research Natural Area
- Coal Resource Map for Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
- Flagstaff Resolution Opposing Uranium Mining
- National Monument Review FOIA Complaint
- Keep the Canyon Grand
- Field Report: La Sal Mountain Springs
- Map of Utah’s Suggested Changes to Bears Ears National Monument
- Memorandum Decision & Order, White Mesa Mill Clean Air Act Citizen Suit
- 2017 Fall Advocate
- Exotic Grasses Guidebook
- Interactive Map of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Map
- 990 Form 2016
- La Sal Goats Opening Brief
- Comments on the Proposed Renewal of White Mesa Mill Radioactive Materials License
- 2017 Innovation Challenge
- Biocrust Bounces Back: Soil Community Recovery in Southern Utah
- Kane and Two Mile Research and Stewardship Partnership Report, 2012-2016
- Audited Financial Statement 2016
- Photographing Livestock Damage
- Grazing, Rest, and Biological Soil Crust in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument
- White Mesa Uranium Mill Fact Sheet
- Colorado Plateau Monuments Under Review Interactive Tour
- Johnson Lakes Canyon: Birds, Pollinators, Dragonflies, and Other Species Observations
- DOI Interim Report on Bears Ears National Monument Review
- 10 Ways to Improve Grazing on the Colorado Plateau
- Proposed Marble Canyon and Little Colorado River Tribal Parks Map
- Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s Bears Ears Letter
- Trust Comments on Bears Ears National Monument per Executive Order
- Bears Ears Letter from Five Tribes of Bears Ears Inter-Tribal Coalition
- Mark Udall’s Bears Ears Letter
- Hopi Tribe’s Bears Ears Letter
- Law Professors’ Bears Ears Letter
- Society of Vertebrate Paleontology’s Bears Ears Letter
- Bears Ears Plants Guide
- Springs Survey in Bears Ears National Monument
- Hualapai Tribal Council Resolution Opposing Canyon Mine
- White Mesa Uranium Mill Protest
- Letter to BLM Re: Enefit Right of Way
- Letter of Opposition to EPA Budget Cuts
- Grand Canyon Trust vs. Ryan Zinke FOIA Complaint
- Bears Ears National Monument Proposed and Final Boundaries Map
- Bears Ears National Monument Map
- Support for Bears Ears National Monument Map
- Our Volunteers Interactive Map
- Leasable Tar Sands & Oil Shale on Federal Lands Map
- Land Leased for Oil Shale & Tar Sands Development Map
- 2017 Spring Advocate
- Letter: Over 130 Environmental Groups Oppose President’s Budget
- Indian Creek ATV Trails Stay Order
- Johnson Lakes Canyon Bioblitz Report
- Opposition Letter Against Rescinding the BLM Planning 2.0 Regulation
- Field Report: Fifteen Elk Ridge Springs
- Field Report: Eleven La Sal Mountain Springs
- Groups urge vote NO on H.J. Res. 44 CRA on BLM 2.0
- Proposed Daneros Mine Uranium Haul Route Map
- Indian Creek ATV Trail Petition for Stay
- Kane County Coal Leasing Intervention Motion
- Comments on the Proposed Expansion of Daneros Mine
- Joint Comments on Draft EIS for Navajo Generating Station
- Skutumpah Terrace Sage Grouse Habitat Restoration Scoping Comments
- Comments on the Draft EIS for Navajo Generating Station
- Oral Argument: Havasupai Tribe v. Heather Provincio
- Coal-powered Navajo Generating Station
- Report to Donors 2016
- Manti-La Sal National Forest Springs Reports
- Court Decision on Beardtongue Case
- Livestock: Bad Scores Explained
- Manti-La Sal National Forest Pasture Rest Use
- Grazing Scores: Ferron-Price District
- Grazing Scores: Moab-Monticello District
- Grazing Scores: Sanpete District
- Mark Udall : What Unites Us as Americans
- Interviews from the Public Lands Gatherings
- Grand Canyon National Heritage Monument Survey Analysis
- Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Survey Memo
- Grand Canyon Trust Letter on H.R. 5780 and 5781
- Western Public Lands
- NEPA and Writing Conservation Alternatives
- Livestock: Grazing Overlap Overview
- 2016 Fall Advocate
- Rethinking Economic Development around the Grand Canyon
- Proposed Bears Ears National Monument Map
- Grand Canyon Escalade Legislation
- Save the Confluence: Keep the Canyon Grand
- 990 Form 2015
- Comments on Air Quality Permits for Canyon, EZ, and Arizona 1 uranium mines
- Climate Vulnerability on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon
- North Rim Ranches Climate Change Comparison
- Comments on Daneros Mine Plan Modification Environmental Assessment
- Climate Vulnerability for North Rim Ranches
- North Rim Ranches Projected Temperature Change
- Comments on DOI’s Intent to Review the Federal Coal Program
- Energy Fuels Uranium Mines
- Bears Ears: A Public Meeting to Hear Community Visions for Public Lands Conservation
- Audited Financial Statement 2015
- North Rim Ranches Climate Change Adaptation Plan
- Down by the Riverside: Big Ungulate Challenges
- Comments on Proposed Changes to Kaibab National Forest Plan
- Request To Investigate Utah’s Misuse of $53 Million to Fund Oakland Coal Terminal
- Enefit American Oil Shale Rights of Way
- Enefit American Oil Utility Corridor Project DEIS Comments
- Trust et al Letter to EPA re: DEIS for Enefit American Oil Utility Corridor Project
- Hopi-Kaibab National Forest Springs Restoration Project
- Half Life Film Screening Kit
- Half Life: The Story of America’s Last Uranium Mill
- Colorado Plateau Coal-fired Power Plants
- Colorado Plateau Power Plant Carbon Intensity
- Colorado Plateau Power Plant Emissions
- Colorado Plateau Power Plant Megawatt Capacity
- Motion for Summary Judgement Against Energy Fuels, White Mesa Mill Clean Air Act Citizen Suit
- Grand Canyon Trust Arguments in White Mesa Mill Clean Air Act Lawsuit
- Energy Fuels Arguments in White Mesa Mill Clean Air Act Lawsuit
- Proposed Grand Canyon Escalade
- Grand Canyon National Park East
- 2016 Spring Advocate
- Joint Comments on the NPS Bison Herd Environmental Assessment
- Comments on Shootaring Canyon Uranium Mill Radioactive Material License Renewal
- USFS Letter to Tusayan Re: Road Easment
- Vegetation Productivity Analysis for Three Utah National Forests
- Applying Fire Connectivity and Centrality Measures to Mitigate the Cheatgrass-Fire Cycle
- Native Plants of the Vermilion Cliffs
- Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Poll
- Scoping Comments on Monroe Mountain Allotments
- Utah Public Lands Initiative Comments
- Proposed Grand Canyon Monument Myth vs. Fact
- Policy Brief: The Proposed Grand Canyon Monument
- Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Proposal Brief
- Reply Brief Canyon Uranium Mine Appeal
- Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Survey Memo
- Comments on EPA’s Federal Clean Power Plan
- Arizona Game and Fish Letter to President Obama
- Grand Canyon Uranium Claims
- Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Landscape Map
- Radioactive Waste Shipments to White Mesa Mill 1993-2016
- Final Comments to ADEQ on Federal Clean Power Plan
- Report to Donors 2015
- Energy Fuels Dec 23 Letter Re: Pinenut Mine Air Quality Control Permit No. 51803
- Energy Fuels Dec 21 Letter Re: Pinenut Mine Air Quality Control Permit No. 51803
- Comments on ADEQ Air Quality Control Renewal Permits for Canyon, EZ, and Pinenut Uranium Mines
- This is 60 Percent Utilization
- Grazing Disaster in Ten Mile Allotment
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Biocrust Survey
- Rocky Mountain Goats in Alpine Areas
- Scoping Comments for Allotments in Canyons of the Ancients National Monument
- USFS Denial Letter
- Letter to Utah Attorney General Regarding CIB Oakland Coal Terminal Loan
- Virtual Tour of Yellow Jacket and Flodine Park Allotment Areas
- Twin Peaks Aspen Survey
- Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Summary
- Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument Map
- Beaver: Back to the Future
- Mt. Peale Research Natural Area: 2015 Survey Report
- Opening Brief Canyon Uranium Mine Appeal
- 2015 Fall Advocate
- Zuni Tribal Council Resolution of Support for Mining Reform
- Coconino County Letter of Support for Mining Reform
- Havasupai Tribal Council Resolution of Support for Mining Reform
- Hualapai Tribal Council Resolution Of Support For Mining Reform
- Coconino County Board of Supervisors Letter of Support for Mining Reform
- San Miguel County Letter of Support for Mining Reform
- APA Petition for Rulemaking: Uranium Mining on Federal Public Lands
- Threats to the Bears Ears Cultural Landscape
- 2015 Utah Forests Intern Projects
- Data Review and Evaluation of Groundwater Monitoring, White Mesa Uranium Mill
- Uranium Contamination Study in Blue Gap/Tachee Chapter
- Mountain Goat Native Range Map
- Grand Canyon Region Culturally Significant Areas
- White Mesa Cultural Conservation Area – 2015 Project Sites
- Exotic Goats Petition
- Uranium Mining Fact Sheet
- Uranium Mining Brochure
- Canyon Mine Motion Denied
- Industrial Future: Energy Development in Utah Interactive Map
- Richfield Resource Management Plan Remedy Court Order
- Senate Testimony re: Senate Bill 365 Grand Staircase Grazing
- Shelly Begaye Agreement
- Tusayan Scoping Comments, Steve Martin’s Open Letter to the Forest Service
- Department of the Interior Concerns Regarding Tusayan Development
- Pollinators: Best Practices on Federal Lands
- Goat Impacts Literature Review Summary
- Canyon Mine Decision Notice of Appeal
- Resuming Active Mining Operations at Canyon Mine
- Spring 2015 Advocate
- Letter re: Reject Tusayan Special Use Application
- Water Availability for Oil Shale and Tar Sands
- Powell Ranger District Motorized Travel Plan
- Managing Livestock Grazing on Streams on the Elko District
- Comparison of Key Differences Between Grazing Alternative C (plus key missing parts) and Alternative E
- Greater Canyonlands Threats
- Post-Fire Seeding with Ryegrass: implications for understorey plant communities and overall effectiveness
- Respectful Recreation in the Grand Canyon — An Anthropologist’s Perspective
- Escalade Proposed Development Footprint
- Escalade Proposed Development Map
- Oil Shale & Tar Sands Leasable Land
- Analysis of Utah’s Tar Sands
- How to Write an Op Ed
- Write a Letter to Your Elected Official
- How to Host a Letter Writing Party
- Trust Position on Northern Arizona Uranium Mine Compliance
- GSENM EIS Alternative C & E Comparison Chart
- GSENM EIS Alternative C & E 10 Big Differences
- Escalade’s Empty Promise
- Report To Donors 2014
- A Line in the Sand
- 2014 Fall Advocate
- All Pueblo Council of Governors Resolution
- Comment on Three Forest Livestock Grazing
- Goat Damage in the La Sal Mountains
- Report on Hummocks, Collin Smith
- Violations of Plan of Operations at Pinenut Mine
- Notice of Intent to Sue
- Save the Confluence Update June-July 2014
- 2014 UDWR Boreal Toad Field Report
- Navajo Generating Station EIS Scoping Comments
- Save the Confluence Navajo Times Ad
- Zuni Tribal Council Resolution
- Holistic Management: Misinformation on the Science of Grazed Ecosystems
- Letter to Sally Jewell
- White Mesa Complaint
- 2014 Spring Advocate
- Grand Canyon Uranium Fact Sheet
- Escalade: proposed Legislation and Master Agreement
- Greater Canyonlands National Monument White Paper
- A Big Step Towards Tribal Renewable Energy Self-Sufficiency
- Navajo Green Jobs Toolkit
- GSENM Vegetation Productivity Change, 1986-2011
- Sustainable Grazing Alternative January 2014 Scoping Comments
- Pinenut Mine Water Quality Report
- Audited Financial Statement 2014
- 990 Form 2014
- Establishing Cool-Season Grasses on a Degraded Arid Rangeland of the Colorado Plateau
- Report To Donors 2013
- Audited Financial Statement 2013
- GSENM Exclosure Report
- GSENM Sustainable Grazing Alternative DRAFT
- Letter to BLM urging action on petition
- 2013 Summer Advocate
- Enefit Utility Corridor Scoping Comments by EPA
- Scoping Comments on Enefit Utility EIS
- Complaint Against BLM’s Failure to Comply with Endangered Species Act
- Request for Agency Action
- Complaint against Vane Minerals
- Grand Canyon Watersheds Report
- NPS Comments on Proposed Wate Mine
- Petition to BLM requesting new mining plan
- Human Health Effects of Oil and Gas Development
- Southwest Regional Climate Impacts
- Navajo Nation Local Governance Act
- Hopi Tribe Grand Canyon Escalade Fact Sheet
- Beaver Best Management Practices
- Clean Energy Options for Navajo Generating Station
- Audited Financial Statement 2012
- Simple Methods for Measuring Indicators of Ecologically Sustainable Grazing
- Thermal Requirements of the Bonytail
- 2012 Winter Advocate
- GSENM Vegetation Report 2013
- Arizona State Trust Lands Conservation Profile: Centennial Forest/Fort Tuthill
- Observatory Mesa Fact Sheet
- Walnut Canyon Fact Sheet
- Hopi Tribal Council Resolution
- People of the Confluence (Save the Confluence) Invitation Letter
- Beaver Wildlife Notebook
- Uranium Best Management Practices
- 2012 Summer Advocate
- Fort Tuthill Conservation
- Greater Canyonlands Region
- Consummate Canyonlands
- Scoping Comments on the Long-Term Experimental Plan EIS
- Memorandum of Understanding between Navajo Nation and Confluence Partners
- Conservation Status of Picture Canyon
- Scoping on the Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan EIS
- Adapting to Climate Change on Western Public Lands
- Desired Future Conditions for the Colorado River Ecosystem
- Recommendations for a Proposed Adaptive Management Program Socioeconomic Program
- Tar Sands Triangle Map
- Pinenut Mine Water Quality Report 2012
- Record of Decision: Northern Arizona Withdrawal
- 2011 Winter Advocate
- Report to Donors 2011
- Kane and Two Mile Ranches Applied Research Plan
- Circuit 9 Court of Appeals Brief on Chub
- Northern Arizona Proposed Withdrawal Final EIS
- Between a Rock and a Dry Place
- 2011 Summer Advocate
- Comments on Draft EIS for Grand Canyon Special Flight Rules Area
- Comments on the Northern Arizona Proposed Mineral Withdrawal Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- Summary of Northern AZ Proposed Withdrawl Draft EIS
- Grand Canyon Uranium Update April 2011
- Economic Value of Beaver
- Native America Intertribal Conversations Funding
- Uranium Fact Sheet
- Danish Flats Non-Compliance Letter
- Letter to Arizona Department of Environmental Quality Re: Uranium Issues
- 2010 Annual Report
- Resolution of the Western Navajo Agency
- National Congress of American Indians Resolution
- Report on the Third Inter-Tribal Gathering
- Coconino Plateau Water Advisory Council Strategic Plan
- Ecological Communities Escalante, Utah 2010 Surveys
- Injection Well Monitoring Program
- 2010 Summer Advocate
- Denison Mines Finding and Notice of Violation
- Testimony: Challenges Facing Grand Canyon National Park
- Testimony from Department of Mines and Mineral Resources
- Testimony in Support of Protecting Grand Canyon Aquifers
- Guidelines for Aspen Restoration in Utah National Forests
- Summary of USGS Contamination Findings
- Uranium Flagstaff City Council Resolution
- 2010 Winter Advocate
- Inter-Tribal Conversations on the Colorado Plateau 2009
- Scoping Comments on Grand Canyon Mining Withdrawal
- National Congress of American Indians Resolution Opposing Uranium Exploration on Sacred Sites
- Comments on Proposal for wastewater injection at Westwater Farms
- What Do Beaver Eat?
- Testimony on the Grand Canyon Watersheds Protection Act of 2009
- Testimony of Havasupai Vice Chairman Matthew Putesoy
- Testimony of Bill Hedden on Grand Canyon Watershed Protection Act
- Testimony of Mark Trautwein before the House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands
- 2009 Summer Advocate
- 2009 Arizona Survey Key Findings
- 2009 Arizona Statewide Survey Results
- 2009 Winter Advocate
- Hualapai Resolution Against Uranium
- Records showing Pinenut Mine groundwater inundation
- Glen Canyon Dam Releases Economic Considerations
- Atlas Commentary
- A Proposal to Improve Travel Management on Boulder Mountain
- Ecological Gold Standards for Dixie, Fishlake, and Manti-La Sal National Forests
- Cottonwood, Aspen, and Willow at Risk
- Coconino Plateau At-Risk Waters Project Final Report
- Opposition against Proposed Rule Removing Regulations on Emergency Withdrawls
- Complaint against Failure to Act on Uranium Withdrawl
- 2008 Summer Advocate & Annual Report
- Letter showing 1500 tons of uranium ore stored at Pinenut mine site
- Southern Nevada Water Authority Letter to Dept. of Interior
- Testimony of the Coalition of National Park Service Retirees
- Testimony on the Grand Canyon Watersheds Protection Act of 2008
- Ruling on: Memorandum for Preliminary Injunction against USFS
- Testimony of Hopi Chairman Benjamin H. Nuvamsa
- Testimony of Joe Shirley, President of Navajo Nation
- Statement of Chris Shuey before U.S. House of Representatives
- Memorandum for Preliminary Injunction against USFS
- Arizona Game and Fish Opposition to Uranium Mining
- School Trust Lands in Utah
- Letter from Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano Regarding Uranium Mining
- 2008 Winter Advocate
- Grand Canyon Watersheds Protection Act of 2008
- Analysis of Small-Diameter Wood Supply in Northern Arizona
- Coconino County Resolution to Oppose Uranium Development around Park
- Energy and Economic Alternatives to the Desert Rock Energy Project
- Uranium’s Effect on Estrogen in Mice
- Utah Energy Efficiency Strategy
- 2007 Summer Advocate & Annual Report
- Flagstaff Loop Trail Map
- Uranium Mining and Activities, Past and Present
- Uranium Mining and Activities, Past and Present
- A Survey of Greater Sage Grouse
- 2007 Winter Advocate
- A Clean Electric Energy Strategy for Arizona
- Re-examining Glen Canyon Dam Operations
- Observatory Mesa Facts
- Statewide Strategy for Restoring Arizona’s Forests
- Black Mesa Project Draft EIS Comments
- Arizona Solar Electric Roadmap Study
- Warm Fire Recovery Project Scoping Comments
- 2006 Annual Report
- Mercury Pollution
- 2006 Summer Advocate & Annual Report
- An Environmental History of the Kane and Two Mile Ranches
- 2006 Winter Advocate
- Study of Potential Mohave Alternatives
- Response of Southern California Edison Company
- Hopi Response to Closure of Mohave Generating Station
- Navajo Nation Response to Closure of Mohave Generating Station
- Petition of Just Transition Coalition for Leave to Intervene
- Motion for a “Just Transition” in Response to Closure of the Mohave Generating Station
- 2005 Annual Report
- 2005 Summer Advocate & Annual Report
- Grand Canyon National Park Tourism Study
- 20th Anniversary Advocate
- Peaking of World Oil Production
- Resolution of the Navajo Nation Council
- Trust’s Comments on Atlas Tailings
- Comments on Draft EIS for Remediation of the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings
- Ecological Assessment of Water Resources on North Rim Ranches
- 2004 Annual Report
- Uranium: The Newest Hormone
- 2004 Summer Advocate
- 2004 Winter Advocate
- 2003 Summer Advocate
- Scoping Comments for Colorado River Management Plan Revision
- 2002 Summer Advocate
- North Central Arizona Water Demand Study
- 2002 Winter Advocate
- Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Strategic Plan
- 2001 Summer Advocate
- Ecological Impacts of Roads in the Greater Grand Canyon
- 2001 Winter Advocate
- Working with Beaver
- Colorado River Basin Management Study
- Biological Opinion on Operation of Glen Canyon Dam
- Recommendations to NPS to Protect Grand Canyon’s Natural Quiet
- Public Support for Protecting Grand Canyon Resources
- Lipid Content in Overwinter Survival of Colorado Squawfish
- Record of Decision: Canyon Mine Proposal
- Final EIS on Canyon Uranium Mine
- Canyon Mine Plan of Operations
- Grand Canyon National Park Enlargement Act
- Grand Canyon Trust Statement on Secretarial Order 3418 and National Monuments Review
- New Poll: Voter Support for New Grand Canyon Monument Grows
- New Poll Shows Utah Voters Strongly Support National Monuments
- New Story Map Celebrates First Anniversary of Grand Canyon National Monument
- Radioactive Materials from Japan Arrive at Uranium Mill near Bears Ears
- Conservation Groups Defend Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni National Monument, Antiquities Act
- Applications Open for Free Colorado River Trip through the Grand Canyon for Indigenous Youth
- Grand Canyon Trust Seeks Young Changemakers for 2024 LeaderShift Scholars Program
- Intertribal Economic Summit at Grand Canyon National Park Takes On Native Representation and Economic Inclusion
- Estonian Oil Shale Giant Abandons Federal Oil Shale Lease, Loses Colorado River Basin Water Deal
- President Biden Announces Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument
- Grand Canyon Trust Statement on Interior Secretary Haaland’s Visit to the Grand Canyon
- Native Youth Invited to Join Free Colorado River Trip Through the Grand Canyon
- Grand Canyon Trust Supports Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument Proposal
- Conservation Groups Granted Intervention to Defend Utah National Monuments
- Utah’s Largest Coal Producer Surrenders Leases to Millions of Tons of Coal in Legal Settlement
- Native Voices Reframe History in New Grand Canyon Film
- Uranium Mine Gears Up Near Grand Canyon National Park
- Conservation Groups Intervene to Protect Utah monuments, Antiquities Act
- Poll Shows Arizonans Support Permanent Ban on Grand Canyon Uranium Mining
- Flight Uncovers Changes in Radioactive Pit at Utah Uranium Mill
- Senate Committee Marks Up Grand Canyon Protection Act
- Utah Water Right Deal Siphons Colorado River Tributary for Oil Shale
- Arizonans Urge Senate to Pass Grand Canyon Protection Act
- Conservationists Back Havasupai Tribe’s Opposition to Grand Canyon Uranium Mine
- Arizona OKs Uranium Mine Permit, Puts Grand Canyon Waters at Risk
- New Report: Radioactive Waste Threatens Bears Ears
- Former Navajo Nation President Peterson Zah Receives Grand Canyon Trust Lifetime Achievement Award
- Grand Canyon Trust Statement on the EPA’s Proposed Methane Rule
- Native Voices Share Cultural Ties to the Little Colorado River
- President Biden Restores Protections for Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments
- Grand Canyon Trust Supports $3 Billion in Funding for Hardrock Mine Cleanup
- Arizona to Permit Grand Canyon Uranium Mine Despite Ongoing Flooding, Water Contamination
- After a Decade, Court Ruling Finally Opens Door for Biden Administration to Halt Alton Coal Mine Expansion
- Grand Canyon Trust Statement on Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s Confirmation
- The Grand Canyon Trust Welcomes Jim Enote as New Board Chair
- Grand Canyon Trust Statement on the January 6 Assault on the U.S. Capitol
- Administration Pushes Tar Sands in Utah Ahead of Promised Leasing Ban
- New Video Calls for Permanent Mining Ban Around Grand Canyon
- Conservationists Intervene To Oppose New Dam Project Near the Grand Canyon
- Legal Petition Urges Forest Service to Protect Native Bees
- Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act Passes House as Part of NDAA
- Statement of Support for and Solidarity with Black Communities
- Statement on U.S. District Court Ruling, Canyon Mine
- 13 Native Businesses Selected for Competitive Change Labs Incubator
- New Report Details Risks at Uranium Mine Near Grand Canyon
- Trump Working Group Recommends Assistance for Uranium Companies Eyeing Grand Canyon
- Grand Canyon Trust Statement on Livestock Grazing in the Escalante River Canyons
- Native Voices Lead into Second Century of Grand Canyon National Park
- Plans for Bears Ears, Grand Staircase Ignore Tribes, Courts, and the Public
- Change Labs Business Incubator Accepting Applications for 2020
- BLM Commits $75 Million to Continued Destruction of Utah’s Public Lands
- New Native American Business App Pushes Back on Border-town Spending
- The Grand Canyon Trust Supports Senate Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Conservationists Intervene in Ludicrous Effort to Dam the Little Colorado River
- Arizonans Celebrate House Passage of Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Grand Canyon Trust Statement on Stilo/Tusayan Development at Grand Canyon’s South Rim
- Interior Board Overturns BLM Decision in Victory for Grand Staircase Forests
- Management Plans Threaten Grand Staircase-Escalante
- Flooding, Pollution Threat Prompts Call for Uranium Mine Closure Near Grand Canyon
- 11 Native-American-Owned Start-ups Selected for Change Labs Business Incubator
- Trump Administration Issues Flawed Plan for Bears Ears National Monument
- Failed Uranium Quotas Underscore Need for Permanent Grand Canyon, Bears Ears Protections
- Statement on Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Lawsuit Challenges Trump Administration Approval of Massive Utah Oil Shale Development
- Trump Administration Ignores Environmental Impacts of Mining Coal Near Bryce
- Statement on Commerce Department Uranium Import Recommendations
- Change Labs Now Accepting Applications for Business Incubator
- Change Labs Announces New Artist “Rezidency” in Tuba City Open to All Native Visual Artists
- The Grand Canyon Trust Condemns Utah’s Petition to Weaken the Roadless Rule
- Lawsuit Launched Over Massive Utah Oil Shale Development
- Grand Canyon Trust Statement on Natural Resources Management Act
- New Report Underlines Need for Permanent Mining Ban Around Grand Canyon
- The Grand Canyon Trust Supports the Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Grijalva to Introduce Grand Canyon Centennial Protection Act
- Grijalva to Announce Plan to Permanently Protect Grand Canyon from Uranium Mining
- Change Labs Announces New Workspace for Small Businesses
- Change Labs Launches Native American Business Hub in Tuba City
- U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear Industry Challenge to Grand Canyon Uranium Mining Ban
- Bipartisan Poll Shows Arizona Voters Support Grand Canyon Uranium Ban
- Appeal Challenges Uranium Mine Expansion near Bears Ears National Monument
- Call on Trump Administration to Reverse Decisions from Tainted Monuments Review
- Massive Utah Oil Shale Project Threatens Public Health, Water Supply
- The Grand Canyon Trust opposes the Emery County Public Land Management Act of 2018
- Canadian Firm Stakes Claims in Grand Staircase National Monument
- Uranium Mining Industry Seeks Supreme Court Review to Overturn Mining Ban
- Native American Business Incubator Accepting Applications
- The Grand Canyon Trust Welcomes New Executive Director
- Appeals Court Upholds Grand Canyon Uranium Mining Ban
- House Hearing Attacks Grand Canyon Uranium Ban
- Conservation Groups File Bears Ears National Monument Lawsuit
- The Grand Canyon Trust Condemns Trump’s Attempt to Gut National Monuments
- Conservation Groups File Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument Lawsuit
- Lawsuit Filed against Federal Agencies for Withholding Information on National Monuments from the Public
- Trump Administration Targets Uranium Mining Ban Near Grand Canyon
- Bishop Launches Attack on Public Lands Mining Bans
- Statement on National Monuments Review Final Report Summary
- Provides the Rez with an Online Marketplace
- Congratulations to the Winners of the 2017 Innovation Challenge
- $15K to Be Awarded to Native Entrepreneurs at Change Labs 2017
- Innovation Challenge Seeks Native Entrepreneurs with Start-Up Ideas
- Conservation Groups Appeal BLM Decision to Open Renowned Indian Creek Area to ATV Use
- Groups Move to Defend Pause in Federal Coal Leasing against Lawsuit by Utah Counties
- President Obama’s New Bears Ears National Monument Makes History
- Court Cases on Uranium Mining Threats to the Grand Canyon Region Dec. 15
- Court Declares Fish and Wildlife Service Failed to Protect Rare Colorado, Utah Wildflowers Threatened by Oil Shale Mining
- Entrepreneurs Converge on Navajo Nation for Change Labs 2016
- Poll: Voters Nationwide Strongly Support Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument
- State of Arizona Asked to Reject Permit Renewals for Uranium Mines Near Grand Canyon National Park
- New Utah Public Lands Initiative Merely a Dressed-Up Version of the Same Bad Bill
- Half Million+ People Call for Greater Grand Canyon Heritage National Monument
- Groups call for federal investigation of Utah plan to finance Oakland coal export terminal
- Plan for America’s First Commercial Oil Shale Facility Not in Public Interest
- Film Raises Concerns About Uranium Mill’s Impact to Groundwater
- Obama’s Interior Dept. Pushes Oil Shale Plan Threatening Massive Climate Pollution, Water Use
- Forest Service Rejects Project That Would Have Spelled Disaster for Grand Canyon
- Federal Court: Clean Power Plan Moves Forward
- Joint Statement on Draft Public Lands Initiative
- Arizona Urged to Deny Pollution Permits for Toxic Uranium Mines Next to Grand Canyon
- Community Groups Challenge Utah Funding for Proposed Oakland Coal Export Terminal
- Disastrous Animas River Mine Spill Prompts Call for Regulatory Reform
- Scientists Call for a Moratorium on Tar Sands Development in North America
- Native Entrepreneur Turns Rez Trash Problem into Golden Opportunity
- Radon Releases Skyrocket at the White Mesa Mill
- Federal Judge OKs Uranium Mining Next to Grand Canyon National Park
- Expansion of Four Utah Uranium Mines Halted
- Tribal Dry Farming Best Bet Against Climate Change in Desert Southwest
- Take a Hike! New Trip-Planning Tool
- Toxic Spills: Lax Enforcement Gives Uranium Industry Carte Blanche
- EPA Refuses to Hear Communities Affected by Proposed Uranium Rule
- National Park Advocates Challenge EPA Failure to Protect Grand Canyon from Navajo Generating Station Pollution
- Court Upholds Grand Canyon Uranium Mining Ban
- Grand Canyon Trust Files Lawsuit over Dangerous Uranium Mill Problems
- Arizona Voters Agree: Public Lands Essential to Economy
- Rim Trail
- South Kaibab Trail
- Bright Angel Trail
- Thunder River and Deer Creek
- Moon House
- White House Ruin
- Tonto Trail: Grandview to Bright Angel
- Wahweap Hoodoos
- North Kaibab Trail
- Coyote Gulch via Crack-in-the-Wall
- Clear Creek Trail
- Fish and Owl Canyons Loop Hike
- Delicate Arch
- Angels Landing
- Wire Pass to Buckskin Gulch
- Boucher Trail
- Golden Cathedral Trail
- The Toadstools
- Tonto Trail: Bright Angel to Hermit
- Hermit Trail
- Peekaboo, Spooky, and Brimstone Canyons
- Black Dragon Canyon
- Confluence Trail
- Salt Creek
- Beamer Trail
- Island Trail
- Kachina Trail
- Elden Lookout Trail
- Sand Dune and Broken Arch Trail
- Devil’s Garden and Primitive Loop
- Uncle Jim Trail
- Big Horn Canyon
- Cottonwood Narrows Trail
- Humphrey’s Peak Trail
- Dead Horse Point Trails
- Grandview Trail
- Lower Calf Creek Falls Trail
- Keet Seel (Kawestima)
- The Narrows
- Boulder Mail Trail
- Tanner Trail
- Willow and Fortymile Gulch Loop
- Widforss Trail
- Hackberry Canyon and Yellow Rock
- Petroglyph Point Trail
- Tonto Trail: New Hance to Grandview
- Escalante Route
- North Bass Trail
- Bullet Canyon Trail
- Sand Canyon Trail
- Cliff Spring Trail
- New Hance Trail
- Cassidy and Rich Trails
- Queen’s Garden & Navajo Loop
- Bullion Canyon Trail
- Tonto Trail: Boucher to South Bass
- Grandstaff Trail
- Spencer Trail
- Sundance Trail
- Alpine Pond Trail
- Ken Patrick Trail
- Horseshoe Bend
- Phipps Wash
- Todie Canyon
- Flagstaff Loop Southwest
- The Box Trail
- Sipapu and Kachina Bridges
- Druid Arch Trail
- Tonto Trail: Hermit to Boucher
- Escalante-Petrified Forest State Park Trail
- Eardley Pool Trail
- Navajo Lake/Virgin River Rim Trails
- Weatherford Trail
- Jasper Forest Trail
- Canyon Overlook Trail
- Hog Springs Trail
- Long Willow Bottom Reservoir Trail
- Kane Gulch to Stimper Arch
- Little Ruin Canyon Trail
- Chute Canyon
- Hidden Canyon Trail
- East Rim Trail
- Upper Calf Creek Falls
- Fisher Towers
- Ding & Dang Canyons
- Amphitheater Loop Trail
- Mt. Ellen Summit Trail
- Cohab Canyon to Grand Wash
- Lost Canyon Loop Hike
- South Fork of Mule Canyon
- Cascade Falls Trail
- Spectra Point and Ramparts Overlook Trail
- Fairyland Loop
- Slickrock Trail
- Observation Point Trail
- Murphy Point Overlook
- Goblin Valley Trails
- Crack Canyon Trail
- Upper Muley Twist Trail
- Big Spring Canyon Trail
- Grand Canyon National Park
- Bright Angel Campground
- Havasupai Gardens Campground
- Point Lookout
- Zion National Park
- Canyons of the Ancients National Monument
- Mesa Verde National Park
- Sand Island Campground
- Kendrick Peak Trail
- Montezuma Castle National Monument
- Singletree Campground
- Vermilion Cliffs National Monument
- Flagstaff Loop Southeast
- Pine Flat Campground
- Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
- Lee’s Ferry Campground
- Colorado National Monument
- Moab Museum
- Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
- Arches National Park
- Cowboy Camp
- Paria Contact Station
- Anasazi State Park Museum
- Dead Horse Point State Park Campgrounds
- Under the Point Trail
- Kane Gulch Ranger Station
- Dinosaur National Monument
- Walnut Canyon National Monument
- Wildcat Rest Area Information Center
- Mackinaw Campground
- Walnut Canyon North Rim Trail
- Big Bend Campground
- Pine Grove Campground
- Cannonville Visitor Center
- Watchman Campground
- Fishlake Hightop (Pelican Canyon)
- Neck Spring Loop
- Moonflower Campground
- South Campground
- Goblin Valley Campground
- Sunset Campground
- Hal Canyon Campground
- Carl Hayden Visitor Center
- Colorado Welcome Center
- Panorama Point Loop Trail
- Superbowl Campground
- Canyon Vista Campground
- Goose Island Campground
- Escalante Interagency Visitor Center
- Portal Overlook Trail
- Hittle Bottom Campground
- Knife Edge Trail
- Lakeview Campground
- Morefield Campground
- Kamas Ranger Station
- Museum of Northern Arizona
- Goosenecks State Park Campground
- Grandstaff Campground
- Split Mountain Campground
- Spruces Campground
- Powell Museum
- Elkhorn Campground
- Flagstaff Loop West
- Corona Arch Trail
- Canyonlands National Park
- Petrified Forest National Park
- Hamburger Rock Campground
- Sand Flats Recreation Area
- Kachina and Owachomo Bridges
- Hovenweep Campground
- Devils Garden Campground
- Bear River Ranger Station
- Flagstaff Visitor Center
- Fruita Campground
- Flagstaff Loop North
- Cedar Breaks National Monument
- Green River Campground
- Lower Bowns Campground
- Monticello Field Office
- Watchman Trail
- Kanab Visitor Center
- Wild Horse Canyon
- Escalante-Petrified Forest Campground
- Pleasant Creek Campground
- Capitol Reef National Park
- King’s Bottom Campground
- Flagstaff Loop East
- Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument
- Kodachrome Basin Campground
- Tuzigoot National Monument
- Manzanita Campground
- Pipe Spring National Monument
- Wilson Mountain
- Temple Mountain Campground
- Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument
- Bowery Creek Campground
- Natural Bridges National Monument Campground
- Blue Spruce Campground
- Bonito Campground
- Horsethief Campground
- Needles Campground
- Creek Pasture Campground
- Big Water Visitor Center
- Moab Information Center
- Dairy Springs Campground
- Oak Creek Campground
- Drinks Canyon Campground
- North Campground
- Cottonwood Campground
- Oak Grove Campground
- Cedar Mesa Campground
- Barker Campground
- Jubilee Trail
- Thunder Mountain Trail
- Bryce Canyon National Park
- Lone Mesa Campground
- Cave Springs Campground
- Thousand Lake Mountain Trail
- North Rim Campground
- Hunter Canyon Campground
- Chimney Rock Trail
- Sulphur Creek Trail
- Pleasant Creek Trail
- Old Wagon Trail
- Fremont Gorge Overlook Trail
- Bell and Little Wild Horse Canyons
- Park Avenue Trail
- Brins Mesa Trail
- River Trail
- Lofty Lake Loop
- Hidden Valley Trail
- Hunter Canyon Trail
- Chesler Park
- Upheaval Dome Trail
- Spruce Canyon Trail
- Stateline Campground
- Bear Mountain
- Professor Creek
- Lower Courthouse Wash
- Navajo National Monument
- Sunset View Campground
Team Members
- Emily Thompson
- Eric Horner
- Brian Skeet
- Christina Brown
- Josh O’Brien
- Michellsey Benally
- Steph Wacha
- Michael Chizhov
- Melanie Seus
- Lena Bain
- Audrey Kruse
- Kaya McAlister
- Jen Pelz
- Amber Benally
- Danya Gorel
- Jack Pongyesva
- Doug King
- Darcy Allen
- Michael Toll
- Wilda Anagal
- Adrianne Allen
- Ethan Aumack
- Deon Ben
- Ashley Davidson
- Kathleen Dudine
- Ellen Heyn
- Cerissa Hoglander
- Daryn Akei Melvin
- Jerry Otero
- Aaron Paul
- Tim Peterson
- Amanda Podmore
- Mike Popejoy
- Amber Reimondo
- Erica Scott
- Chaitna Sinha
- Jessica Stago
- David Taft
- Kimber Wukitsch
- Stephanie Smith