Grand Canyon Trust Supports $3 Billion in Funding for Hardrock Mine Cleanup

FLAGSTAFF, AZ — The Grand Canyon Trust welcomes the $3 billion program to clean up abandoned hardrock mines passed by the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on July 15, 2021. The program, funded by a bipartisan amendment attached to a larger legislative package, will assist local communities across the nation that have suffered the environmental and health impacts of abandoned gold, copper, uranium, and other hardrock mines. On the Colorado Plateau, this program will bring overdue relief to tribal communities that have experienced decades of human health impacts due to abandoned uranium mines. It is heartening to see senators like Mark Kelly, D-Ariz., Steve Daines, R-Mont., and Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., reaching across the aisle to begin to address the legacy of contamination caused by hardrock mining. We look forward to working with these leaders and others to advance environmental justice over the coming years.

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