The Grand Canyon Trust and Deseret Power signed a settlement agreement over a sizable water right (15 cubic-feet per second, or 3.5 billion gallons per year). Deseret Power acquired the water right from Enefit American Oil Co., an Estonian state-owned oil shale company aiming to build a massive oil shale mining and processing facility in northern […]

Resource - map credit Stephanie Smith
Maps and graphs may be used for non-commercial purposes provided that they are not altered or edited and they are appropriately credited. All map products should be credited to Stephanie Smith, Grand Canyon Trust, unless otherwise noted. A hyperlink to the Grand Canyon Trust website is appreciated.
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Related Resources
The Estonian state-owned oil shale company, Enefit American Oil, relinquished a preliminary lease to research the commercial viability of mining and producing oil shale on public land in northeastern Utah. Enefit has proposed a massive development on 13,000 acres of private land and 4,960 acres of federal public land in the Uinta Basin. By relinquishing its 160-acre […]
In November 2021, the Grand Canyon Trust filed a protest with the Utah Division of Water Rights arguing it is unlawful for Deseret Power to hold onto a nearly 10-million-gallon-per-day water right on the Green River ostensibly for electricity generation when in fact a deal with Estonian-owned oil shale company Enefit shows that Deseret Power […]