Trust et al Letter to EPA re: DEIS for Enefit American Oil Utility Corridor Project

Read the letter sent to the Environmental Protection Agency regarding the Enefit American Oil Utility Corridor Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement.Download the PDFDownload the PDF ›

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The Grand Canyon Trust and Deseret Power signed a settlement agreement over a sizable water right (15 cubic-feet per second, or 3.5 billion gallons per year). Deseret Power acquired the water right from Enefit American Oil Co., an Estonian state-owned oil shale company aiming to build a massive oil shale mining and processing facility in northern […]

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In November 2021, the Grand Canyon Trust filed a protest with the Utah Division of Water Rights arguing it is unlawful for Deseret Power to hold onto a nearly 10-million-gallon-per-day water right on the Green River ostensibly for electricity generation when in fact a deal with Estonian-owned oil shale company Enefit shows that Deseret Power […]