VP Independent - header
Blake McCord

VP Independent - what's involved

Step 1. Learn

Sign up for a project and complete the online or in-person training.

Step 2. Collect data

Head outside to birdwatch, survey springs, or check on a field site.

Step 3. Share your findings

When you return, send us your data sheets, photos, and observations.

VP Independent - PJ project

VP Independent - PJ project
Marie Read

Pinyon jay project

Grab your binoculars and help us spot pinyon jays. Knowing where the birds are helps us advocate against clear-cutting of the forests they depend on. This project is for avid birdwatchers and newbies alike.



VP Independent - springs

VP Independent - springs
Meredith Meeks

Spring surveys

Visit springs to document conditions, wildlife use, and human impacts. The data you collect will help inform spring restoration priorities.

Ready to get started? Watch a training video from the comforts of home or join us for in-person training (usually held April – May).

Email volunteernow@grandcanyontrust.org with questions and to let us know you're interested in joining the project.

Volunteer - newsletter sign-up

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Start Learning


Four fascinating facts about pinyon jays that will have you ready to birdwatch in the name of conservation.

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Springs are the lifeblood of the forests, canyons, and communities of the arid Southwest.

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In the desert, water is life. But what happens when that water is radioactive?

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