Canyon Vista Campground

Escape the desert heat at Canyon Vista Campground outside Flagstaff, Arizona

Located a few miles southeast of Flagstaff, Canyon Vista Campground boasts views of the San Francisco Peaks as well as access to several hiking routes, bike trails, and a famed local climbing area called “The Pit.”

The campground is typical of most forest service campgrounds, complete with picnic tables, fire pits, and pit toilets. Ponderosa pines shade individual campsites, offering modest privacy.

Trailheads for Sandy Canyon Trail, which feeds into Walnut Canyon, and Vista Loop Trail are at the north end of the campground. Campsites are first-come, first-served.

Fire restrictions may be in place, especially in early summer before monsoon rains arrive. If you want to have a campfire, check in with the campground host to see if there are any restrictions.


  • Drinking water
  • Pit toilets
  • Picnic tables
  • Fire pits
  • Trash collection


Drive south on Lake Mary Road for about 5.3 miles. Look for a brown forest service sign marking the turnoff to Canyon Vista Campground. Turn left into the gravel driveway, and continue past a trailhead parking area into the campground.

The contents of the adventure kit: black hat with Grand Canyon Trust logo, map of grand canyon, bookmark, sticker of grand canyon logo, plus four scenic notecards

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Join the Grand Canyon Trust today to receive your adventure kit:

  • $25 donation: a Grand Canyon map, The Advocate magazine subscription, bookmark, and sticker
  • $75 donation: everything above plus four stunning note cards
  • $100 donation: all the benefits of the $75 level, plus a Grand Canyon Trust hat

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