Tribal Dry Farming Best Bet Against Climate Change in Desert Southwest


New exhibit highlights work to protect ancient seeds against GMOs

Tuba City, Navajo Nation/Hopi Tribe (Arizona): The Colorado Plateau Intertribal Gathering invites school and community groups to schedule interactive visits, presentations, and tours of the “Colorado Plateau Intertribal Farmer Knowledge Exhibit: Preserving Our Seeds and Farmer Knowledge”. The exhibit showcases efforts by elders and community leaders from 12 tribes to preserve dry farming practices that have allowed native peoples to flourish for thousands of years and protect ancient crops, including corn, from GMO contamination. It is the inaugural exhibit of the newly opened Intertribal Learning Center located at the Moenkopi Legacy Inn (1 Legacy Lane, Tuba City, Arizona 86045). 

Nowhere else to go

Ground zero for climate change, the Southwest is projected to experience some of the most drastic temperature increases and declines in precipitation in North America. In the past, tribes might have simply moved elsewhere, but with the federal reservation system and limited neighboring land available, they have no choice but to stay put. The exhibit honors six years of work by a coalition of elders and cultural leaders from 12 Colorado Plateau tribes to ensure that traditional farming and ancient food preparation practices, as well as tribal teachings and stories key to adapting to cli mate change, are passed on to the next generation. The group also works to restore springs, create farmers’ markets, protect heirloom seeds, keep out GMOs, and protect sacred sites by revitalizing traditional intertribal networks. Many Intertribal Gathering members are farmers and have witnessed changes in temperature, wind, rain, soil moisture levels and encroachment of genetically modified seeds. 

At our level of agriculture, Hopi agriculture, we’re seeing climate change on a scale that I never thought I’d see …I’m only 51 years old and I’ve seen changes [that] are going to greatly impact the way we grow and produce and self-sustain.

-Traditional Hopi farmer Leonard Selestewa.  

“Our young farmers are totally confused by rising temperatures, drying springs, volatile wind patterns, and genetically modified seeds invading our communities. Our best chance at survival is to preserve our ancient knowledge,” says Grand Canyon Trust Native America Director and Intertribal Gathering facilitator Tony Skrelunas.

Protecting ancient food sources from GMO invasion

In the face of climate change, Gathering members are mentoring local farmers to raise high-yield crops with scarce water supplies and prepare traditional foods. They’re also working to establish farmers’ markets that support local food systems. A tribal-based community workshop series on preserving heirloom seeds and keeping out GMOs takes a “local planting party” approach, bringing together community members to restore watersheds, springs, and irrigation systems, build rainwater catchments and plant crops.

Saving culture

The new exhibit offers youth the opportunity to learn about traditional tribal farming through hands-on activities and interactive videos. A series of free monthly workshops on watershed restoration, heirloom seed preservation, and traditional farming kicks off March 25th.  

“We need a learning place within our community open to everyone, from kids to elders. Only by bridging the generation gap can we save our culture,” says Alicia Tsosie of Food Corps.

School groups are encouraged to contact Alicia Tsosie or Stacie Tsingine to schedule visits, tours, and presentations. The exhibit will be open by appointment, March 16 through September 31, 2015. 

The Intertribal Learning Center is co-sponsored by the Moenkopi Development Corporation in partnership with the Grand Canyon Trust and the Intertribal Gathering. The San Manuel Tribe of Southern California further financially supports the center.

Photos for download:

  1. Colorado Plateau Intertribal Gathering brings together elders, youth, and community leaders from 12 southwestern tribes. Credit: Grand Canyon Trust.
  2. Diné master farmer Rose Marie Williams with her corn crop at Kerley Valley, where her family has farmed for generations. Credit: Grand Canyon Trust.
  3. Ruby Chimerica teaches youngsters to prepare parched corn, a traditional Hopi snack. Credit: Grand Canyon Trust.

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