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This map shows the risk of fatal accidents along the more than 300-mile transportation route from Canyon uranium mine (renamed Pinyon Plain Mine) near the Grand Canyon to the White Mesa uranium mill. Four of the five most dangerous sections along the route are on the Navajo Nation. See a photo gallery of the haul route, […]

This map shows active mining claims, including various uranium mines, inside the boundaries of Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni Grand Canyon National Monument The map was produced using data from the Bureau of Land Management and updated in June 2024.   Download a PDF of the map › Maps and graphs may be used for non-commercial purposes […]

Canyon Mine (renamed Pinyon Plain Mine) started trucking uranium ore from the mine site near Grand Canyon National Park to the White Mesa uranium mill in Utah via a scenic, well-traveled highway. Read the Havasupai Tribe’s statement opposing the transport of uranium ore through its ancestral lands › Download the PDF ›

This map shows the route haul trucks will take, traveling about 300 miles through Arizona, the Navajo Nation, Utah, and the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation to deliver uranium ore mined at Canyon Mine (renamed Pinyon Plain Mine) to the White Mesa Mill for processing. Download your copy ›. See a photo gallery of the haul route, with […]

Canyon Mine, also known as Pinyon Plain Mine, a uranium mine near the south rim of Grand Canyon National Park, has been flooding with groundwater since late 2016, according to data reported to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. Water pumped out of the mine has shown high levels of heavy metals including uranium, arsenic, and lead. […]

In late 2016, miners at Canyon Mine (subsequently renamed Pinyon Plain Mine) near Grand Canyon National Park pierced groundwater and water began rushing into the mine shaft. Since then, more than 66 million gallons of water containing high levels of heavy metals including uranium, arsenic, and lead have been pumped out of the mine into […]

Since late 2016, more than 66 million gallons of groundwater have been pumped out of a controversial uranium mine, Canyon Mine (renamed Pinyon Plain Mine), near Grand Canyon National Park. The water shows high levels of heavy metals, including uranium, arsenic, and lead, according to data reported to the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. Download […]

Radioactive waste is shipped from toxic sites across the country and around the world to the White Mesa Mill (not all feeds approved for shipment actually ship). Learn more about White Mesa Mill › As of 2023: 2020 Edition: Download your copy ›  Previous Edition: Download your copy ›

This interactive map shows the Canyon Mine (renamed Pinyon Plain Mine) haul route, from the south rim of the Grand Canyon to the White Mesa uranium mill in southern Utah. The uranium mine is expected to send about six trucks of uranium ore per day to the White Mesa Mill, through the Navajo Nation and cities, towns, […]

On May 20, 2024, the Grand Canyon Trust submitted comments on the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality’s proposed rulemaking to update aquifer water-quality standards that are out of compliance with Arizona law. As of that date, the state of Arizona had no aquifer water quality standard for uranium, for example. The Trust urged state regulators, […]

Annual global price of uranium from 1980 to 2023 Download the 2023 graph ›  Download the 2020 graph › Annual global price of uranium from 1980 to 2018   Download the 2018 graph ›  Annual global uranium prices from 1980 to 2016 Download the 2016 graph ›

Uranium spot prices have flutuated between 1989 and 2024, with notable spikes in 2007 and 2024. Download the graph ›

Learn about the history of uranium mining near the Grand Canyon and the extra protections that Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument brings to the region. Download the lesson plan › Download the PDF ›

Canyon Mine (renamed Pinyon Plain Mine) started extracting uranium ore near the Grand Canyon in January 2024, nearly four decades after the mine, which now lies inside the boundaries of Baaj Nwaavjo I’tah Kukveni – Ancestral Footprints of the Grand Canyon National Monument first broke ground. Read the Havasupai Tribe’s statement opposing the mining company’s actions › […]

Energy Fuels Resources (USA), Inc. will start ventilation at Canyon Mine (now Pinyon Plain Mine) between December 3, 2023 and January 2, 2024. Ventilation is required for miners to work underground. Read the notice › Download the PDF ›

A June 2023 poll of Arizona voters found strong public support for designating existing public lands around the Grand Canyon as a national monument. A monument designation would protect precious water sources and ancestral homelands. View the findings › Download the PDF ›

A colorful sunset compliments the spectacular formations of Cape Royal on the Grand Canyon's north rim.
Rick Goldwasser

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