Light kisses the top cliffs in the Grand Canyon

Darcy Allen

Executive Support Director

Greek amphoras for wine or oil, / Hopi vases that held corn, are put in museums / but you know they were made to be used. / The pitcher cries for water to carry / and a person for work that is real.

— Marge Piercy

Darcy started with the Trust in June 1995 coordinating and implementing the Membership Program.

Since that time, Darcy has grown her position to include administrative affairs, personnel benefits, board meetings, facility maintenance and special event planning at the Grand Canyon Trust.

Darcy earned her B.A. from Northern Arizona University and has been a Flagstaff resident since 1980. She enjoys her job at the Grand Canyon Trust and admires and appreciates the hard work and dedication of her colleagues.

Plateau favorites

  • Fossil Creek
  • Hart Prairie Preserve
  • The Annex Happy Hour Hamburger
  • Observatory Mesa with my dog Stella
  • Sunsets at Lake Powell

Interests & hobbies

  • Tennis — newly acquired
  • Hiking anywhere
  • Music — most every kind
  • Watching my son play baseball
  • Time with my family and friends

Little-known facts

  • I wanted to be a country-western singer
  • Snakes give me the willies
  • I dislike olives
  • I still think someone’s going to grab my feet from under the bed

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